Common Log Messages for Phase Two

While the utility is running Phase Two of the migration, messages that indicate that a user has not successfully migrated may be written to the log file. After the utility completes Phase Two, review the log file to check for the following messages:

Attribute exists : : orclPassword

This message typically occurs with the message Invalid value::<column_name>=<column_value>.

Cause: The entry already contains a value for the orclPassword attribute.

Action: Check the DBPASSWORD_EXIST_FLAG column in the interface table for a T/F value that correctly reflects whether a database password exists for this user.

Attribute value missing : : orclPassword

This message typically occurs with the message Invalid value::<column_name>=<column_value>.

Cause: The orclPassword attribute of this user's entry has a null value.

Action: Check the DBPASSWORD_EXIST_FLAG column in the interface table for a T/F value that correctly reflects whether a database password exists for this user.

Database object missing : : SHARED-SCHEMA = < shared_schema >

Cause: The shared schema that was specified for this user does not exist in the database.

Action: Perform one of the following steps:

  • Check to ensure that the correct shared schema was specified for this user. If the shared schema name was incorrectly specified, then edit the SHARED_SCHEMA column of the interface table and run Phase Two of the utility for this user again.

  • Create the shared schema in the database and run Phase Two of the utility for this user again.

Entry found : : DN = < user_DN >

This message typically occurs with the message Invalid value::<column_name>=<column_value>.

Cause: An entry already exists for the specified user DN.

Action: Check the USERDN_EXIST_FLAG column in the interface table for a T/F value that correctly reflects whether a user entry already exists in the directory for this DN.

Invalid value : : <interface_table_column_name> = < interface_table_column_value >

Cause: The value in the interface table column for this user is invalid. Typically, this message is accompanied by additional log messages for this user.

Action: Check to ensure that the correct value has been entered for this user.

No entry found : : DN = < user_DN >

This message typically occurs with the message Invalid value::<column_name>=<column_value>.

Cause: The entry for the DN is missing in the directory.

Action: Check the USERDN_EXIST_FLAG column in the interface table for a T/F value that correctly reflects whether a user entry already exists in the directory for this DN.