3 Automatically Configuring Oracle Linux with Oracle Preinstallation RPM

Oracle recommends that you install Oracle Linux 6 or Oracle Linux 5 and use Oracle RPMs to configure your operating systems for Oracle Database and Oracle Grid Infrastructure installations. For Oracle Linux 6, run the Oracle Preinstallation RPM. For Oracle Linux 5, run the Oracle Validated RPM.

This chapter contains the following contents:

3.1 Overview of Oracle Linux Configuration with Oracle RPMs

The Oracle RPMs for your Oracle Linux distributions and Oracle RDBMS releases automatically install any additional packages needed for installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database, and configure your server operating system automatically, including setting kernel parameters and other basic operating system requirements for installation. For more information about what the Oracle RPMs do, refer to the following URL:


Configuring a server using Oracle Linux and the Oracle Preinstallation RPM consists of the following steps:

  1. Install Oracle Linux

  2. Register your Linux distribution with Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN) or download and configure the yum repository for your system using the Oracle public yum repository for your Oracle Linux release

  3. Install the Oracle Preinstallation RPM or Oracle Validated RPM with the RPM for your Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database releases, and update your Linux release.

  4. Create role-allocated groups and users with identical names and ID numbers

  5. Complete network interface configuration for each cluster node candidate

  6. Complete system configuration for shared storage access as required for each standard or Core node cluster candidate.

After these steps are complete, you can proceed to install Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle RAC

3.2 Installing a New Oracle Linux Installation from DVDs or Images

Use the following procedure to install a new Oracle Linux installation and to perform system configuration with the Oracle Preinstallation RPM:

  1. Obtain Oracle Linux either by ordering the Oracle Linux media pack from Oracle Store, or by downloading disk images from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud website for Oracle Linux and Oracle VM.

    Oracle Shop:


    Oracle Software Delivery Cloud website:

  2. Start the Oracle Linux installation, and respond to installation screens with values appropriate for your environment.

  3. Review the first software selection screen, which lists task-specific software options. At the bottom of the screen, there is an option to customize now or customize later. Select Customize now, and click Next.

  4. On Oracle Linux 6.3, Select Servers on the left hand side of the screen, and System administration tools on the right hand side of the screen (options may vary between releases)

    The Packages in System Tools window opens.

  5. Select the Oracle Preinstallation RPM or Oracle Validated RPM package box from the package list.

    If you do not have an Oracle Preinstallation RPM or Oracle Validated package option that is current for your Oracle Database release, because you are using an Oracle Linux installation that is previous to your Oracle Database and Oracle Grid Infrastructure release, then install the RPM for your release manually after completing the operating system install.

  6. Close the optional package window and click Next.

  7. Complete the other screens to finish installing Oracle Linux.

    Oracle Linux automatically creates a standard (not role-allocated) Oracle installation owner and groups, and sets up other kernel configuration settings as required for Oracle installations.

  8. Repeat steps 2 through 6 on all other cluster member nodes.

3.3 Installing the Oracle Preinstallation RPM with ULN support

Use the following procedure to subscribe to Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN) Oracle Linux channels, and to add the Oracle Linux channel that distributes the Oracle Preinstallation RPM:

  1. Register your server with Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN). By default, you are registered for the Oracle Linux Latest channel for your operating system and hardware.

  2. Log in to Unbreakable Linux Network:


  3. Click the Systems tab, and in the System Profiles list, select a registered server. The System Details window opens and displays the subscriptions for the server.

  4. Click Manage Subscriptions. The System Summary window opens.

  5. From the Available Channels list, select the Linux installation media copy and update patch channels corresponding to your Oracle Linux distribution. For example, if your distribution is Oracle Linux 5 Update 6 for x86_64, then select the following:

    • Oracle Linux 5 Update 6 installation media copy (x86_64)

    • Oracle Linux 5 Update 6 Patch (x86_64)

  6. Click Subscribe.

  7. Start a terminal session and enter the following command as root, depending on your platform. For example:

    Oracle Linux 6:

    # yum install oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall

    Oracle Linux 5:

    # yum install oracle-validated

    You should see output indicating that you have subscribed to the Oracle Linux channel, and that packages are being installed. For example:


    Oracle Linux automatically creates a standard (not role-allocated) Oracle installation owner and groups, and sets up other kernel configuration settings as required for Oracle installations.

  8. Repeat steps 1 through 8 on all other servers in your cluster.


    Check the RPM log file to review the system configuration changes. For example, on Oracle Linux 5:

3.4 Installing the Oracle Preinstallation RPM From Unbreakable Linux Network

Use the following procedure to subscribe to Oracle Linux channels, and to add the Oracle Linux channel that distributes the Oracle Preinstallation RPM:

  1. Complete a default Oracle Linux workstation installation.

    You can download Oracle Linux from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud:


  2. Register your server with Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN). By default, you are registered for the Oracle Linux Latest channel for your operating system and hardware.

  3. Log in to Unbreakable Linux Network:


  4. Click the Systems tab, and in the System Profiles list, select a registered server. The System Details window opens and displays the subscriptions for the server.

  5. Click Manage Subscriptions. The System Summary window opens.

  6. From the Available Channels list, select the Enterprise Linux installation media copy and update patch channels corresponding to your Oracle Linux distribution. For example, if your distribution is Oracle Linux 5 Update 5 for x86_64, then select the following:

    • Oracle Linux 5 Update 5 installation media copy (x86_64)

    • Oracle Linux 5 Update 5 Patch (x86_64)

  7. Click Subscribe.

  8. Start a terminal session and enter the following command as root, depending on your platform:

    Oracle Linux 6:

    yum install oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall

    Oracle Linux 5:

    # yum install oracle-validated

    You should see output indicating that you have subscribed to the Oracle Linux channel. For example:


    Oracle Linux automatically creates a standard (not role-allocated) Oracle installation owner and groups, and sets up other kernel configuration settings as required for Oracle installations.

  9. Repeat steps 1 through 8 on all other servers in your cluster.


    Check the RPM log file to review the system configuration changes. For example, on Oracle Linux 5:

3.5 Installing the Oracle Preinstallation RPM From DVDs or Images

Use the following procedure to install the Oracle Preinstallation RPM from the Oracle Linux distribution:

  1. Obtain Oracle Linux disks either by ordering the Oracle Linux media pack from Oracle Store, or by downloading disk images from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud website for Oracle Linux and Oracle VM.

    Oracle Store:


    Oracle Software Delivery Cloud website:

  2. Start the Oracle Linux installation.

  3. Review the first software selection screen, which lists task-specific software options. At the bottom of the screen, there is an option to customize now or customize later. Select Customize now, and click Next.

  4. Select Base System on the Customization page, in the list on the left side of the screen, and then select System Tools on the right side of the screen. Then click Optional Packages.

    The Packages in System Tools window opens.

  5. Select the Oracle Preinstallation RPM package box from the package list, and click Next.

  6. Complete the other screens to finish installing Oracle Linux.

    Oracle Linux automatically creates a standard (not role-allocated) Oracle installation owner and groups, and sets up other kernel configuration settings as required for Oracle installations.

  7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 on all other cluster member nodes.

3.6 Installing Oracle Linux with Public Yum Repository Support

Use the following procedure to install Oracle Linux and configure your Linux installation for security errata or bug fix updates using the Oracle public yum repository:

  1. Obtain Oracle Linux DVDs from Oracle Store, or download Oracle Linux from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud:

    Oracle Store:


    Oracle Software Delivery Cloud website:


  2. Install Oracle Linux from the ISO or DVD image.

  3. Log in as root

  4. Download the yum repository file for your Linux distribution from http://public-yum.oracle.com, using the instructions you can find on the public yum site. For example:

    # cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
    # wget http://public-yum.oracle.com/public-yum-ol6.repo

    Ensure that the olrelease_latest file (ol6_latest for Oracle Linux 6) is enabled, as this is the repository that contains the Oracle Preinstallation RPM.

  5. (Optional) Edit the repo file to enable other repositories. For example, enable the repository ol6_UEK_latest by setting enabled=1 in the file with a text editor.

  6. Run the command yum repolist to verify the registered channels.

  7. Start a terminal session and enter the following command as root, depending on your platform. For example:

    Oracle Linux 6:

    yum install oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall

    Oracle Linux 5:

    # yum install oracle-validated

    You should see output indicating that you have subscribed to the Oracle Linux channel, and that packages are being installed. For example:


    Oracle Linux automatically creates a standard (not role-allocated) Oracle installation owner and groups, and sets up other kernel configuration settings as required for Oracle installations.

    After installation, run the command yum update as needed to obtain the most current security errata and bug fixes for your Oracle Linux installation.

3.7 Additional Optional Operating System Configuration Tasks

Complete the following optional configuration tasks:

3.7.1 Configure Ksplice Repository for Oracle Linux

You can use Ksplice if you have Premier support subscription and an access key, which is available on ULN. For more information about Ksplice (including trial versions, see http://www.ksplice.com/.

Complete the following task to register your system with Ksplice

  1. Check for your kernel distribution at the following URL:


  2. Log in as root.

  3. Ensure that you have access to the Internet on the server where you want to use Ksplice. For example, if you are using a proxy server, then set the proxy server and port values in the shell with commands similar to the following:

    # export http_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:port
    # export https_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:port
  4. Download the Ksplice Uptrack repository RPM package:


  5. Run the following commands:

    rpm -i ksplice-uptrack-release.noarch.rpm
    yum -y install uptrack

3.7.2 Configure Additional Operating System Features

As needed, configure the operating system for additional features, such as IPMI or additional programming environments, then review Chapter 4, " Oracle Database Preinstallation Tasks"