

Lists all Oracle ASM user groups or only groups that match a specified pattern.

Syntax and Description

lsgrp [--suppressheader][-a] [ -G diskgroup ] [ pattern ]

Table 10-73 lists the syntax options for the lsgrp command.

Table 10-73 Options for the lsgrp command

Option Description


Suppresses column headings.


Lists all columns.

-G diskgroup

Limits the results to the specified disk group name.


Displays the user groups that match the pattern expression.


The following are examples of the lsgrp command. The first example displays a subset of information about the user groups whose name matches the asm% pattern. The second example displays all information about all the user groups.

Example 10-82 Using the ASMCMD lsgrp command

ASMCMD [+] > lsgrp asm%
DG_Name  Grp_Name   Owner
FRA      asm_fra    grid
DATA     asm_data   grid

ASMCMD [+] > lsgrp -a
DG_Name  Grp_Name   Owner     Members
FRA      asm_fra    grid      oracle1
DATA     asm_data   grid      oracle1 oracle2