Oracle ACFS Command-Line Tools for Encryption

Table 16-77 contains a summary of the commands for Oracle ACFS encryption. For an overview of Oracle ACFS encryption, refer to "Oracle ACFS Encryption".

You can run acfsutil help on all platforms to display help text. You can run acfsutil version on all platforms to display the Oracle ACFS version.

When the options are entered with commands on a Windows platform, use / instead of - with the option. For example, you can display help for acfsutil on a Linux platform with acfsutil -h. On a Windows platform, use acfsutil /h.

A mount point on a Windows operating system can be a drive letter or a directory including the drive letter. When using a drive letter in a command, include the backslash (\) with the drive letter, such as in M:\, to avoid the possibility of triggering a Windows path substitution to the last accessed path on the specified drive.

Table 16-77 Summary of commands for Oracle ACFS encryption

Command Description

acfsutil encr info

Displays encryption-related information about Oracle ACFS file systems.

acfsutil encr init

Creates storage for encryption keys.

acfsutil encr off

Disables encryption for an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil encr on

Encrypts an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil encr rekey

Generates a new key and re-encrypts an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil encr set

Sets or changes encryption parameters for an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil keystore migrate

Migrates the encryption keystore.