acfsutil sec load


Loads Oracle ACFS security metadata into a file system identified by a mount point.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec load -h
acfsutil sec load -m mount_point -p file

acfsutil sec load -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-57 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec load command.

Table 16-57 Options for the acfsutil sec load command

Option Description

-m mount_point

Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

-p file

Specifies the name of an existing saved security metadata file.

The acfsutil sec load command loads the security metadata in a saved XML file into the specified Oracle ACFS file system.

To run the acfsutil sec load command, the destination mount point must have a file system that has been prepared for security and does not contain any user-created security objects.

If the file system mounted on destination mount point contains security objects, then you must run acfsutil sec prepare -u to remove all previously created security objects on the file system. After successfully running acfsutil sec prepare -u, you must run acfsutil sec prepare to prepare the file system for security. After successfully running acfsutil sec prepare, you can run acfsutil sec load on the file system. For information about preparing security on or removing security from a file system, refer to "acfsutil sec prepare".

The acfsutil sec load command does not load system security realms from the backup file. System security realms are created with the acfsutil sec prepare command; acfsutil sec load does not re-create these realms. For information about the system-created security realms, refer to "acfsutil sec prepare".

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec load command.

Example 16-50 Using the acfsutil sec load command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec load -m /acfsmounts/acfs1 -p my_metadata_file.xml