Renaming Disks Groups

The renamedg tool enables you to change the name of a cloned disk group. The disk group must be dismounted on all nodes in the cluster before running renamedg on the disk group.

renamedg renames a disk group using a two-step process:

  1. Phase one

    This phase generates a configuration file to be used in phase two.

  2. Phase two

    This phase uses the configuration file to perform the renaming of the disk group.

The syntax is:

renamedg {-help | help=true}

     [phase={one|two |both}] dgname=diskgroup 
       newdgname=newdiskgroup [config=configfile]
     [asm_diskstring=discoverystring, discoverystring ...] 
     [clean={true|false}] [check={true|false}]
     [confirm={true|false}] [verbose={ true|false}]
  • phase={one|two|both}

    Specifies the phase to be run. Allowed values are one, two, or both. This argument is optional. The default is both.

    Typically you would run both phases. If a problem occurs during the second phase, then you can rerun phase two using the generated configuration file.

  • dgname=diskgroup

    Specifies the name of the disk group to be renamed.

  • newdgname=newdiskgroup

    Specifies the new name for the disk group.

  • config=configfile

    Specifies the path to the configuration file to be generated during phase one or specifies the path to the configuration file to be used during phase two.

    This argument is optional. The default configuration file is named renamedg_config and is located in the directory in which the command is run. The single quotations may be required on some platforms.

  • asm_diskstring=discoverystring, discoverystring ...

    Specifies the Oracle ASM discovery strings. The asm_diskstring value must be specified if the Oracle ASM disks are not in the default location for the platform. The single quotations may be required on some platforms, usually when wildcard characters are specified.

  • clean={true|false}

    Specifies whether to clean errors that are otherwise ignored. The default is true.

  • check={true|false}

    Specifies a boolean value that is used in the second phase. If true, then the tool prints the list of changes that are to be made to the disks. No writes are issued. It is an optional parameter that defaults to false.

  • confirm={true|false}

    Specifies a boolean value that is used in the second phase. If false, then the tool prints the changes that are to be made and seeks confirmation before actually making the changes. It is an optional value that defaults to false. If check is set to true, then the value of this parameter is redundant.

  • verbose={true|false}

    Specifies verbose execution when verbose=true. The default is false.

  • keep_voting_files={true|false}

    Specifies whether voting files are kept in the renamed disk group. The default is false which deletes the voting files from the renamed disk group.


renamedg does not update resources, nor does renamedg update any file references within the database. Because of this behavior, the original disk group resource is not automatically deleted after the completion of phase two. The status of the old disk group resource can be checked with the Oracle Clusterware Control (CRSCTL) crsctl stat res -t command and then manually deleted with the Server Control Utility (SRVCTL) srvctl remove diskgroup command.

Example 4-12 shows several examples of the use of renamedg. The first example renames the fra1 disk group to fra2 using a disk string to locate the disks and the verbose option is enabled. The second example only creates a configuration file during the completion of phase one of the renamedg operation. The third example runs phase two of the renamedg operation using a configuration file generated from a phase one execution of renamedg.

After renaming a disk group, you can rename the disks in the disk group to match the new disk group name. For example:


For information about renaming disks, refer to "Renaming Disks in Disk Groups".

Example 4-12 Using renamedg

$ renamedg dgname=fra1 newdgname=fra2 asm_diskstring='/devices/disk*'

$ renamedg phase=one dgname=fra1 newdgname=fra2
      asm_diskstring='/devices/disk*' config=/tmp/fra2.conf verbose=true

$ renamedg phase=two dgname=fra1 newdgname=fra2 config=/tmp/fra2.conf