

Mounts an Oracle ACFS file system on the Solaris operating system.

Syntax and Description

mount -F acfs -o h /tmp /dev/null
mount -F acfs [-r] [-o options] volume_device mount_point

mount -F acfs -o h /tmp /dev/null displays usage text and exits.

Table 16-9 contains the options available with the mount command.

Table 16-9 Options for the Solaris mount command

Option Description

-F acfs

Specifies the type of file system on Solaris. acfs designates the Oracle ACFS type.


Mounts in read-only mode.


Specifies that options follow. Options are preceded with the -o flag followed by a comma-delimited string of options. For example: -o all,v

The following options are available:

  • all

    Reads the Oracle ACFS managed file systems in the Oracle Clusterware namespace, mounting all file systems with the AUTO_START=always.

    The -o all option requires two placeholders to satisfy the command arguments: a dummy argument for the volume device and any valid directory.

    When the -o all option is specified, other -o options are ignored.

    To specify mount options for a registry entry, include those options with the acfsutil registry command when you add the entry to the registry.

  • devices/nodevices

    Allows or disallows the opening of any character or block special devices from this mount.

  • exec/noexec

    Allows or disallows the execution of programs in this file system.

  • h

    Displays the usage help text and exits.

  • rootsuid/norootsuid

    Allows or disallows the execution of setuid to root executables (binaries by non-root users whose permissions allow set user Id execution, and are owned by root). rootsuid is the default action. If norootsuid is specified, an attempt to run these executables as a non-root user fails with a permission denied error.

  • ro

    Mounts the file system in read-only mode.

  • rw

    Mounts the file system in read-write mode.

  • setuid/nosetuid

    Allows or disallows the execution of setuid and setgid programs.

  • suid/nosuid

    Allows or disallows the execution of setuid and setgid programs and the opening of any character or block special devices from this mount.

  • v

    Specifies verbose mode. The progress is displayed as the operation occurs.


Specifies an Oracle ADVM volume device file that has been formatted by mkfs. device is required but can be a dummy value.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted. This directory must exist before you run the mount command.

mount attaches a file system to the Oracle ACFS hierarchy at the mount point that is the name of a directory. The mount occurs on the node where the mount command was issued. The mount command returns an error if the file system is not in a dismounted state on this node.

It is not always possible to return the cause of a mount failure to the mount command. When this happens Oracle ACFS writes the cause of the failure to the system console and associated system log file.

After mount runs successfully, the MOUNTPATH field in the V$ASM_VOLUME view displays the directory name on which the file system is now mounted.

An Oracle ACFS file system should only be mounted on one mount point. The same mount point name should be used on all cluster members.

root privilege is required to run mount.


The first example shows how to mount volume1-123 on the mount point /acfsmounts/acfs1. The second example shows how to mount all the registered Oracle ACFS file systems. Placeholder arguments must be provided for the volume device name and mount point when specifying the -o all option. The volume device can be a dummy value, such as none. Any valid directory can be specified for the mount point, such as /tmp.

Example 16-7 Using the mount command

# /sbin/mount -F acfs /dev/asm/volume1-123 /acfsmounts/acfs1

# /sbin/mount -F acfs -o all none /tmp