acfsutil repl info


Displays information about replication processing on an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl info -h 
acfsutil repl info -c [-v] mount_point
acfsutil repl info -s [-v][-l] [-n number{m|h|d|w|y}] 
         [-r start_time[#stop_time]] {-f eventlog | mount_point}
acfsutil repl info [-a|-e|-t] [-v][-l]
         [-r start_time[#stop_time]] {-f eventlog | mount_point }

acfsutil repl info -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-32 contains the options available with the acfsutil repl info command.

Table 16-32 Options for the acfsutil repl info command

Option Description


Displays only apply records from the replication event log. An apply record contains the date and time that the set of file system changes were captured on the primary file system and the date and time that they were applied on the standby file system.


Displays configuration information.


Displays only error records from the replication event log.

-f eventlog

Specifies the absolute path to the replication event log to be used as the source of the information. The default location is: mount_point/.ACFS/repl/logs/ReplicationEventsLog


Displays help text.


Displays last event only.

-n number{m|h|d|w|y}

Specifies the interval to display information. number specifies the number of minutes (m), hours (h), days (d), weeks (w), or years (y). For example: -n 5d

The statistics are summarized in the units of time specified.

-r start_time[#stop_time]

Specifies the start and stop time to display information. The format for the time period is yyyy-nn-ddThh:mm:ss.

  • yyyy - year
  • nn - month (01..12)
  • dd - day (01..31)
  • hh - hour (00..23)
  • mm - minute (00..59)
  • ss - second (00..59)

For example:

-r 2010-05-05T08:30:00#2010-05-05T15:30:00


Displays statistical information. This option is valid only when run on the primary file system. It is important that the primary and standby nodes are running a network time service to ensure that the statistics are meaningful.


Displays only transport records from the replication event log.


Displays verbose output.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

To display information about replication configuration, use acfsutil repl info with the -c option. The configuration information includes a Last sync time with primary timestamp that identifies the point in time on the primary file system that the standby file system represents. You can use this timestamp to set back a database to this point in time if it is necessary to keep the data in Oracle ACFS file system synchronized with the database data replicated with Oracle Data Guard.

To display information about replication statistics, use acfsutil repl info with the -s option.

To display information about replication events, use acfsutil repl info with the -a, -e, or -t options.

You must have system administrator or Oracle ASM administrator privileges to run this command.


Example 16-26 shows the use of the acfsutil repl info command.

Example 16-26 Using the acfsutil repl info command

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl info -c /acfsmounts/acfs1

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl info -s -n 5d /acfsmounts/acfs1

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl info -a -v /acfsmounts/acfs1