

acfsload loads or unloads Oracle ACFS, Oracle ADVM, and Oracle Kernel Services Driver (OKS) drivers.


acfsload { start | stop  } [ -s ]

Table 18-1 contains the options available with the acfsload command.

Table 18-1 Options for the acfsload command

Option Description


Loads the Oracle ACFS, Oracle ADVM, and OKS drivers.


Unloads the Oracle ACFS, Oracle ADVM, and OKS drivers.


Operate in silent mode.


You can use acfsload to manually load or unload the Oracle ACFS, Oracle ADVM, and OKS drivers.

Before unloading drivers with the stop option, you must dismount Oracle ACFS file systems and shut down Oracle ASM. For information about dismounting Oracle ACFS file systems, refer to "Deregistering, Dismounting, and Disabling Volumes and Oracle ACFS File Systems".

root or administrator privilege is required to run acfsload.


The following is an example of the use of acfsload to stop (unload) all drivers.

# acfsload stop