acfsutil sec realm audit disable


Disables auditing of a specific command rule or all command rules for files in an Oracle ACFS security realm.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec realm audit disable -h
acfsutil sec realm audit disable realm -m mount_point
     [-l commandrule,commandrule,...] {-a |-v }

acfsutil sec realm audit disable -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-61 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec realm audit disable command.

Table 16-61 Options for the acfsutil sec realm audit disable command

Option Description


Specifies the security realm name.

-m mount_point

Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

-l commandrule

Specifies the command rules on which to disable auditing.

If this option is not specified, then the list of all command rules is the default.

For a list of command rules, refer to Table 16-60. To display a list of the command rules, use acfsutil sec info with the -c option. Refer to "acfsutil sec info".

-a | -v

Specifies to disable audit realm authorizations (-a) or disable audit realm violations (-v). Either –a or –v must be specified.

Multiple entries can be added in a comma-delimited list when listing command rules. Do not use spaces in the comma-delimited list. If spaces are added, then enclose the list in quotes.

Only a security administrator can run this command. This command is authenticated using the Oracle ACFS security administrator password.


Example 16-53 shows the use of the acfsutil sec realm audit disable command. This command disables auditing on the OPEN (all violations) and WRITE (all violations) command rules.

Example 16-53 Using the acfsutil sec realm audit disable command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec realm audit disable mySecureRealm
    –m /acfsmounts/acfs1 –l OPEN,WRITE –v