acfsutil plugin enable


Enables the Oracle ACFS plug-in infrastructure for an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil plugin enable -h
acfsutil plugin enable -m metrictype [-t tag, ...]
                       [-i interval[s|m]] mount_point

acfsutil plugin enable -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-92 contains the options available with the acfsutil plugin enable command.

Table 16-92 Options for the acfsutil plugin enable command

Option Description

-t tag, ...

An optional list of tag names selecting Oracle ACFS files that you want to be monitored. The maximum number of tags is 12. The names are separated by commas. The default is to monitor all files in the Oracle ACFS file system.

-m metrictype

Selects the message payload to be transmitted from Oracle ACFS to the plug-in module with each call-out message. Oracle ACFS provides the acfsmetric1 pre-defined metric type.

-i interval [s|m]

Selects posting message delivery and the posting interval. The Oracle ACFS plug-in mechanism posts a metrics message during each specified message interval.

An interval is the maximum amount of time which can pass before metrics are posted. The application blocks in the API call to retrieve metrics until a posting occurs.

The interval can be specified as an integer value in s seconds or m minutes. The default is minutes. The maximum value allowed for an interval is 60 minutes or 3600 seconds.

If an interval is specified, then Oracle ACFS is requested to post metrics messages to the plug-in application on an interval basis.

If an interval is not specified, then the application polls for metrics updates from the Oracle ACFS file system. This is the default action.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

acfsutil plugin enable enables an Oracle ACFS file system for application plug-in service. Oracle ACFS plug-ins are enabled for single nodes only, either a standalone host or one or more individual nodes of a Grid Cluster. After enabled for plug-ins, the Oracle ACFS file system begins collecting metric information for either the set of specified tagged files or all files in the Oracle ACFS file system, and transmits callout messages to the plug-in application based upon the selected message payload and delivery parameters. Metrics are reset after every delivery to the application (whether through polling or posting).

In general, metrics are collected from the point of view of a user application. I/O for metadata or internal Oracle ACFS activities; such as snapshot copy-on-writing, encrypting, and replicating files; are not included. Metrics are collected for user I/O to both files in the original file system and snapshot files. Memory mapping of files that results in I/O operations is recorded in the metrics. Replication related files under the .ACFS/repl directory are not included in the metrics.

Oracle ACFS provides the acfsmetric1 pre-defined metric type. For information about the pre-defined metric types, refer to "Oracle ACFS Pre-defined Metric Types".

Administrator privileges are required to use this command or you must be a member of the Oracle ASM administrator group.


Example 16-85 shows the use of the acfsutil plugin enable command to provide additional storage usage metrics to a monitoring application.

Example 16-85 Enabling the Oracle ACFS driver for storage visibility: poll model

# /sbin/acfsutil plugin enable -m acfsmetric1 -t HRDATA /humanresource

An Oracle ACFS file system mounted on /humanresources is to be enabled for plug-in service and configured with the objective of providing additional storage usage metrics to a monitoring application. The message payload type is acfsmetric1, the files to be monitored are human resource files that have been tagged with the Oracle ACFS file tag HRDATA, and the message delivery type is poll which means that the application plug-in polls to request metric data update messages. No interval is specified with polled message delivery.

When the command in Example 16-85 completes, the Oracle ACFS file system mounted on the /humanresources mount point is enabled for plug-in communication and begins collecting Oracle ACFS file access metrics for files tagged with HRDATA. Oracle ACFS maintains metrics collecting a summary of read and write activity. Each time the associated application plug-in module polls for the metrics, Oracle ACFS sends a message with the data as defined in the ACFS_METRIC1 structure that is a summary of the selected Oracle ACFS activity since either the Oracle ACFS driver plug-in functionality was enabled or since the last delivery of metric data.

Example 16-86 shows the use of the acfsutil plugin enable command to monitor movie file updates.

Example 16-86 Enabling the Oracle ACFS driver for storage visibility: post on interval model

# /sbin/acfsutil plugin enable -m acfsmetric1 -t FILECONTENT -i 120s /moviemods

An Oracle ACFS file system mounted on /moviemods is enabled for plug-in service and is configured to record and deliver storage usage messages to a monitoring application. On an interval basis, the Oracle ACFS file system sends a wakeup on a driver event on which the application API call is waiting. The application then collects a summary of read and write activity on the files.

The message payload type is acfsmetric1 and the files to be monitored are movie files that have been tagged with the FILECONTENT tag. The message delivery type is post, which means that Oracle ACFS posts messages containing the metrics to the plug-in application for the specified interval of 120 seconds.

When the command in Example 16-86 completes, the Oracle ACFS file system mounted on the /moviemods mount point is enabled for plug-in communication and begins collecting Oracle ACFS storage visibility metrics for files tagged with FILECONTENT. On each interval, Oracle ACFS posts one or more messages to the application plug-in containing the storage visibility information.