

Lists the attributes of a disk group.

Syntax and Description

lsattr [--suppressheader][-G diskgroup ] [-lm] [pattern]

Table 10-47 lists the syntax options for the lsattr command.

Table 10-47 Options for the lsattr command

Option Description

-G diskgroup

Disk group name.


Suppresses column headings.


Display names with values.


Displays additional information, such as the RO and Sys columns.


Display the attributes that contain pattern expression.

Information about disk group attributes is retrieved from the V$ASM_ATTRIBUTE view. For information about disk group attributes, see "Managing Disk Group Attributes".

The RO (read-only) column identifies those attributes that can only be set when a disk group is created. The Sys column identifies those attributes that are system-created.

To display information about the disk group template attributes, see "lstmpl".

To set disk group attributes, see "setattr".


The following are examples of the lsattr command. The first displays information about all attributes for the data disk group. The second example displays only those attributes with names containing the string compat for the fra disk group. Note the use of both the % and * wildcard characters on Linux.

Example 10-57 Using the ASMCMD lsattr command

ASMCMD [+] > lsattr -lm -G data
Group_Name  Name                     Value         RO  Sys  
DATA        access_control.enabled   FALSE         N   Y    
DATA        access_control.umask     066           N   Y    
DATA        au_size                  1048576       Y   Y    
DATA        cell.smart_scan_capable  FALSE         N   N    
DATA        cell.sparse_dg           allnonsparse  N   N    
DATA        compatible.advm    N   Y    
DATA        compatible.asm     N   Y    
DATA        compatible.rdbms    N   Y    
DATA        content.check            FALSE         N   Y    
DATA        content.type             data          N   Y    
DATA        disk_repair_time         3.6h          N   Y    
DATA        failgroup_repair_time    24.0h         N   Y    
DATA        idp.boundary             auto          N   Y    
DATA        idp.type                 dynamic       N   Y    
DATA        phys_meta_replicated     true          Y   Y    
DATA        sector_size              512           Y   Y    
DATA        thin_provisioned         FALSE         N   Y    

ASMCMD [+] > lsattr -G fra -l %compat*
Name              Value       