

Shuts down an Oracle ASM instance.

Syntax and Description

shutdown [--normal | --abort|--immediate ]

Table 10-17 lists the options for the shutdown command.

Table 10-17 Options for the shutdown command

Option Description


Shut down normal.


Shut down aborting all existing operations.


Shut down immediately.

The default action is a normal shutdown if an option is not specified.

Oracle strongly recommends that you shut down all database instances that use the Oracle ASM instance and dismount all file systems mounted on Oracle ASM Dynamic Volume Manager (Oracle ADVM) volumes before attempting to shut down the Oracle ASM instance with the abort (--abort) option.

For more information about shutting down an Oracle ASM instance, see "About Shutting Down an Oracle ASM Instance".


The following are examples of the shutdown command. The first example performs a shut down of the Oracle ASM instance with normal action. The second example performs a shut down with immediate action. The third example performs a shut down that aborts all existing operations.

Example 10-22 Using the ASMCMD shutdown command

ASMCMD [+] > shutdown --normal

ASMCMD [+] > shutdown --immediate

ASMCMD [+] > shutdown --abort