

Copies an Oracle ASM or database instance password file to the specified location.

Syntax and Description

pwcopy [--asm |--dbuniquename string] source  destination

Table 10-10 lists the options for the pwcopy command.

Table 10-10 Options for the pwcopy command

Option Description


The --asm option associates the password file with the Oracle ASM instance that ASMCMD is logged into.

--dbuniquename string

The --dbuniquename string option identifies the database unique name associated with the password file.


The source value identifies the location where the existing password file is located.


The destination value identifies the location where you want to copy the password file.

pwcopy copies a password file from one disk group to another, from the operating system to a disk group, or from a disk group to the operating system. The compatible.asm disk group attribute must be set to 12.1 or higher for the disk group where the password is to be copied.

Either –-asm or --dbuniquename is required to identify a CRSD resource. When either –-asm or --dbuniquename is included in the pwcopy command, the target file is set to the current password file.

The SYSASM or SYSDBA privilege is required to manage the Oracle ASM and database password files.


The following example copies an Oracle ASM password file in one disk group to a different disk group. Because the pwcopy command includes the --asm option, the target file (+fra/orapwasm_new) is set to the current password file.

Example 10-12 Using the ASMCMD pwcopy command

ASMCMD [+] > pwcopy --asm +DATA/orapwasm +FRA/orapwasm_new
copying +DATA/orapwasm -> +FRA/orapwasm_new