

Drops a disk group.

Syntax and Description

dropdg [-r [-f]] diskgroup

Table 10-44 lists the syntax options for the dropdg command.

Table 10-44 Options for the dropdg command

Option Description


Force the operation. Only applicable if the disk group cannot be mounted.


Recursive, include contents.


Name of disk group to drop.

dropdg drops an existing disk group. The disk group should not be mounted on multiple nodes.


These are examples of the use of dropdg. The first example forces the drop of the disk group data, including any data in the disk group. The second example drops the disk group fra, including any data in the disk group.

Example 10-55 Using the ASMCMD dropdg command

ASMCMD [+] > dropdg -r -f data

ASMCMD [+] > dropdg -r fra