

Sets the tag name on an Oracle ACFS file. For additional information, refer to "acfsutil tag set".


sb8 acfssettag(const oratext *path, const oratext *tagname, oratext *value, 
               size_t size, ub4 flags);

Table 18-6 contains the options available with the acfssettag command.

Table 18-6 Options for the acfssettag command

Option Description


Specifies a pointer to a file or directory path name.


Specifies a pointer to a NULL-terminated Oracle ACFS tag name in the format of a valid tag name for regular files and directories.


Specifies the memory buffer to set the Oracle ACFS tag value.


Specifies the byte size of the Oracle ACFS tag value.


Reserved for future use. Must be set to 0.


The acfssettag library call sets a tag name on an Oracle ACFS file. The return value is ACFS_TAG_SUCCESS or ACFS_TAG_FAIL. For information about operating system-specific extended error information values that may be obtained when an ACFS_TAG_FAIL is returned, refer to "Oracle ACFS Tagging Error Values".

Because Oracle ACFS tag names currently use a fixed value string of 0 (the number zero character with a byte length of one) the value is the same for all Oracle ACFS tag name entries.


Example 18-6 is an example of the use of the acfssettag function call.

Example 18-6 Setting file tags

sb8 rc;
size_t size;
const oratext *value ;
const oratext *path= "/mnt/dir1/dir2/file2";
const oratext *tagname = "patch_set_11_1";
value = "0"; /* zero */
size = 1; (byte)
rc = acfssettag (path, tagname, (oratext *)value, size, 0);
If (rc == ACFS_TAG_FAIL)
  /* check errno and GetLastError() to process error returns */