acfsutil sec ruleset clone


Clones a security rule set.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec ruleset clone -h
acfsutil sec ruleset clone ruleset -s mount_point  new_ruleset
acfsutil sec ruleset clone ruleset -s mount_point 
      [new_ruleset] -d mount_point

acfsutil sec ruleset clone -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-72 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec ruleset clone command.

Table 16-72 Options for the acfsutil sec ruleset clone command

Option Description


Specifies the existing name of the rule set. If the name contains a space, enclose in quotes (" ").

-s mount_point

Specifies the directory where the source file system is mounted.

-d mount_point

Specifies the directory for the destination mount point of the file system.


Specifies the new name of the rule set. If the name contains a space, enclose in quotes (" ").

If the source mount point is different from destination mount point, the rules in the rule set must be cloned first.

If the source and mount points are different and the new rule set name is not specified, then the rule set is cloned using the existing rule set name in the Oracle ACFS file system specified by destination mount point. If the destination mount point is not specified, then the cloned rule set is located in the source mount point and a new unique rule set name must be specified.

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec ruleset clone command.

Example 16-66 Using the acfsutil sec ruleset clone command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec ruleset clone 
      my_security_ruleset -s /acfsmounts/acfs1
      my_new_security_ruleset -d /acfsmounts/acfs2