

Removes the specified aliases, retaining the files that the aliases reference.

Syntax and Description

rmalias [-r] alias [alias...]

Table 10-40 lists the syntax options for the rmalias command.

Table 10-40 Options for the rmalias command

Option Description


Recursively removes aliases.


Alias for the file name or directory.

The -r flag enables you to remove all of the aliases in the current directory and in the entire directory tree beneath the current directory. If any user-created directories become empty after deleting aliases, they are also deleted. Files and directories created by the system are not deleted.


The following is an example of the rmalias command. The example deletes the alias sysaux.f, retaining the data file that it references.

Example 10-50 Using the ASMCMD rmalias command

ASMCMD [+data/orcl/datafile] > rmalias sysaux.f