

Displays the total space used for files in the specified directory and in the entire directory tree under the directory.

Syntax and Description

du [--suppressheader] [dir]

Table 10-33 lists the syntax options for the du command.

Table 10-33 Options for the du command

Option Description


Name of the directory.


Suppresses column headings from the output.

If you do not specify dir, then information about the current directory is displayed. dir can contain wildcard characters. See "Wildcard Characters".

The following two values are displayed, both in units of megabytes.

  • Used_MB - This value does not include mirroring.

  • Mirror_used_MB - This value includes mirroring.

For example, if a normal redundancy disk group contains 100 MB of data and each file in the disk group is 2-way mirrored, then Used_MB is 100 MB and Mirror_used_MB is roughly 200 MB.


The following is an example of the du command. The example shows disk space used in the orcl directory in the data disk group, including all of the directories under the orcl directory.

Example 10-42 Using the ASMCMD du command

ASMCMD [+] > du data/orcl
Used_MB      Mirror_used_MB
   1756                3519