General Information

The General Information section contains basic information and metadata about the SQL Performance Analyzer task, the SQL tuning set used, and the pre-change and post-change executions. Example 6-1 shows the General Information section of a sample report.

In Example 6-1, the Task Information section indicates that the task name is my_spa_task. The Workload Information section indicates that the task compares executions of the my_sts SQL tuning set, which contains 101 SQL statements. As shown in the Execution Information section, the comparison execution is named my_exec_compare.

The Analysis Information sections shows that SQL Performance Analyzer compares two executions of the my_sts SQL tuning set, my_exec_BEFORE_change and my_exec_AFTER_change, using buffer_gets as a comparison metric.

Example 6-1 General Information

General Information

 Task Information:                              Workload Information:
 ---------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------
  Task Name    : my_spa_task                     SQL Tuning Set Name        : my_sts
  Task Owner   : APPS                            SQL Tuning Set Owner       : APPS
  Description  :                                 Total SQL Statement Count  : 101

Execution Information:
  Execution Name  : my_exec_compare        Started             : 05/21/2007 11:30:09
  Execution Type  : ANALYZE PERFORMANCE    Last Updated        : 05/21/2007 11:30:10
  Description     :                        Global Time Limit   : UNLIMITED
  Scope           : COMPREHENSIVE          Per-SQL Time Limit  : UNUSED
  Status          : COMPLETED              Number of Errors    : 0

Analysis Information:
 Comparison Metric: BUFFER_GETS
 Workload Impact Threshold: 1%
 SQL Impact Threshold: 1%
 Before Change Execution:                       After Change Execution:
 ---------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------
  Execution Name      : my_exec_BEFORE_change    Execution Name      : my_exec_AFTER_change
  Execution Type      : TEST EXECUTE             Execution Type      : TEST EXECUTE
  Description         :                          Description         :
  Scope               : COMPREHENSIVE            Scope               : COMPREHENSIVE
  Status              : COMPLETED                Status              : COMPLETED
  Started             : 05/21/2007 11:22:06      Started             : 05/21/2007 11:25:56
  Last Updated        : 05/21/2007 11:24:01      Last Updated        : 05/21/2007 11:28:30
  Global Time Limit   : 1800                     Global Time Limit   : 1800
  Per-SQL Time Limit  : UNUSED                   Per-SQL Time Limit  : UNUSED
  Number of Errors    : 0                        Number of Errors    : 0
