Preparing for Consolidated Database Replay Using APIs

This section describes how to prepare a consolidated replay using the DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPLAY package. For information about preparing consolidated replays, see "Preparing for Consolidated Database Replay".

Before preparing a consolidated replay, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

Preparing a consolidated replay performs the following operations:

  • Specifies the replay options, such as synchronization mode (or COMMIT order), session connection rate, and session request rate.

  • Puts the database state in replay mode.

  • Enables the start of replay clients.


Consolidated Database Replay only supports unsynchronized mode and OBJECT_ID-based synchronization. SCN-based synchronization is currently not supported.

To prepare a consolidated replay:


       synchronization         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'OBJECT_ID',
       connect_time_scale      IN NUMBER   DEFAULT 100,
       think_time_scale        IN NUMBER   DEFAULT 100,
       think_time_auto_correct IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
       capture_sts             IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE,
       sts_cap_interval        IN NUMBER   DEFAULT 300);

    For information about these parameters and how to set them, see "Specifying Replay Options".


Be sure to set synchronization to false when you use the PREPARE_CONSOLIDATED_REPLAY procedure.

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information about the PREPARE_CONSOLIDATED_REPLAY procedure