Generating a Workload Intelligence Report

To generate a Workload Intelligence report, use the GenerateReport program. GenerateReport is a Java program that generates a report to display the results of Workload Intelligence. The Workload Intelligence report is an HTML page that displays the patterns identified in the workload.

The GenerateReport program uses the following syntax:

java oracle.dbreplay.workload.intelligence.GenerateReport -cstr connection_string -user username -job job_name -top top_patterns -out filename

java oracle.dbreplay.workload.intelligence.GenerateReport -version

java oracle.dbreplay.workload.intelligence.GenerateReport -usage

The GenerateReport program supports the following options:

  • -cstr

    Specifies the JDBC connection string to the database where Workload Intelligence stores the information and intermediate results required for execution (for example, jdbc:oracle:thin@hostname:portnum:ORACLE_SID)

  • -user

    Specifies the database username. The user must have certain privileges for using Workload Intelligence.

    For information about creating a database user with the appropriate privileges, see "Creating a Database User for Workload Intelligence".

  • -job

    Specifies a name that uniquely identifies the Workload Intelligence job.

  • -top

    Specifies a number that indicates how many patterns to display in the report. The patterns are ordered by different criteria (number of executions, DB time, and length) and only the defined number of top results are displayed. Setting this value is optional; its default value is 10.

  • -out

    Specifies the name of the file (in HTML format) where the report is stored. Setting this value is optional; its default value is based on the job name specified in the -job option.

  • -version

    Displays the version information for the GenerateReport program.

  • -usage

    Displays the command-line options for the GenerateReport program.

Example 14-5 shows how to generate a Workload Intelligence report using the GenerateReport program.

Example 14-5 Generating a Workload Intelligence Report

java -classpath $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib/dbrintelligence.jar:
oracle.dbreplay.workload.intelligence.GenerateReport -job wijobsales -cstr
jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1521:orcl -user workintusr -top 5 -out wijobsales.html