Creating a Workload Intelligence Job

To create a Workload Intelligence job, use the LoadInfo program. LoadInfo is a Java program that creates a new task to apply the algorithms of Workload Intelligence. The program parses the data contained in a capture directory and stores the relevant information required for running Workload Intelligence in internal tables.

The LoadInfo program uses the following syntax:

java oracle.dbreplay.workload.intelligence.LoadInfo -cstr connection_string -user username -job job_name -cdir capture_directory

java oracle.dbreplay.workload.intelligence.LoadInfo -version

java oracle.dbreplay.workload.intelligence.LoadInfo -usage

The LoadInfo program supports the following options:

  • -cstr

    Specifies the JDBC connection string to the database where Workload Intelligence stores the information and intermediate results required for execution (for example, jdbc:oracle:thin@hostname:portnum:ORACLE_SID)

  • -user

    Specifies the database username. The user must have certain privileges for using Workload Intelligence.

    For information about creating a database user with the appropriate privileges, see "Creating a Database User for Workload Intelligence".

  • -job

    Specifies a name that uniquely identifies the Workload Intelligence job.

  • -cdir

    Specifies the operating system path of the capture directory to be analyzed by Workload Intelligence.

  • -version

    Displays the version information for the LoadInfo program.

  • -usage

    Displays the command-line options for the LoadInfo program.

Example 14-2 shows how to create a workload intelligence job named wijobsales using the LoadInfo program.

Example 14-2 Creating a Workload Intelligence Job

java -classpath $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib/dbrintelligence.jar:
oracle.dbreplay.workload.intelligence.LoadInfo -job wijobsales -cdir
/test/captures/sales -cstr jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1521:orcl -user workintusr