Pre- and Post-mask Scripts

When masking a test system to evaluate performance, it is beneficial to preserve the object statistics after masking. You can accomplish this by adding a pre-masking script to export the statistics to a temporary table, then restoring them with a post-masking script after masking concludes.

Use the Pre Mask Script text box to specify any user-specified SQL script that must run before masking starts.

Use the Post Mask Script text box to specify any user-specified SQL script that must run after masking completes. Since masking modifies data, you can also perform tasks, such as rebalancing books or calling roll-up or aggregation modules, to ensure that related or aggregate information is consistent.

The following examples show pre- and post-masking scripts for preserving statistics.

This example shows a pre-masking script for preserving statistics.

variable sts_task  VARCHAR2(64);

/*Step :1 Create the staging table for statistics*/

exec dbms_stats.create_stat_table(ownname=>'SCOTT',stattab=>'STATS');
/* Step 2: Export the table statistics into the staging table. Cascade results 
in all index and column statistics associated with the specified table being 
exported as well. */

/* Step 3: Create analysis task */
3. exec :sts_task := DBMS_SQLPA.create_analysis_task(sqlset_name=>
'scott_test_sts',task_name=>'SPA_TASK', sqlset_owner=>'SCOTT');
/*Step 4: Execute the analysis task before masking */
exec DBMS_SQLPA.execute_analysis_task(task_name => 'SPA_TASK', 
execution_type=> 'explain plan', execution_name  => 'pre-mask_SPA_TASK'); 

This example shows a post-masking script for preserving statistics.

*Step 1: Import the statistics from the staging table to the dictionary tables*/
/* Step 2: Drop the staging table */
exec dbms_stats.drop_stat_table(ownname=>'SCOTT',stattab=>'STATS');

/*Step 3: Execute the analysis task before masking */
exec DBMS_SQLPA.execute_analysis_task(task_name=>'SPA_TASK', 
execution_type=>'explain plan', execution_name=>'post-mask_SPA_TASK');
/*Step 4: Execute the comparison task */
exec DBMS_SQLPA.execute_analysis_task(task_name =>'SPA_TASK', 
execution_type=>'compare', execution_name=>'compare-mask_SPA_TASK'); 

See Also:

"Masking a Test System to Evaluate Performance" for a procedure that explains how to specify the location of these scripts when scheduling a data masking job