Scheduling a Script Generation Job

To schedule a script generation job:

  1. Select the masking definition to generate a script for, then click Generate Script.

  2. Change the default job name to something meaningful, if desired, and provide an optional job description.

  3. Select a reference database from the drop-down list.

  4. Select a script generation option:

    • In-Place Masking–to replace sensitive data in-place with masked data on a specified database (usually copied from production). Use this option only in nonproduction environments. This differs from the Actions menu option Clone Database, which clones the database and then masks the data.

    • At-Source Masking–to export masked data from the specified source database (usually production) using Oracle Data Pump. This option is safe to run in a production environment as it does not modify customer data. Note, however, that this option creates temporary tables that get dropped when the masking operation completes.

    Note that you can choose both options; that is, a script to mask the database directly and a script to create a masked dump.

  5. Specify a tablespace for temporary objects. Accept the default or select a tablespace where it might be easier to remove sensitive data.

  6. Specify credentials to log in to the reference database.

  7. Specify to start the job immediately or at a later specified date and time, then click Submit.

    A message confirms that the job has been scheduled. Refresh the page to see the job results.