Using the Guided Workflow

The guided workflow enables you to test the performance effect of any types of system changes on a SQL workload, as listed in "SQL Performance Analyzer".


To create an analysis task to test database initialization parameter changes, use the simplified parameter change workflow instead, as described in "Using the Parameter Change Workflow".

To use the SQL Performance Analyzer task guided workflow:

  1. On the SQL Performance Analyzer page, under SQL Performance Analyzer Workflows, click Guided Workflow.

    The Guided Workflow page appears.

    The guided workflow enables you to test the performance effect on a SQL workload when you perform any type of system changes, as described in "SQL Performance Analyzer".

    This page lists the required steps in the SQL Performance Analyzer task in sequential order. Each step must be completed in the order displayed before the next step can begin.

  2. On the Guided Workflow page, click the Execute icon for the Step 1: Create SQL Performance Analyzer Task based on SQL Tuning Set.

    The Create SQL Performance Analyzer Task page appears.

  3. In the Name field, enter the name of the task.

  4. In the Description field, optionally enter a description of the task.

  5. Under SQL Tuning Set, in the Name field, enter the name the SQL tuning set that contains the SQL workload to be analyzed.

    Alternatively, click the search icon to select a SQL tuning set from the Search and Select: SQL Tuning Set window.

  6. Click Create.

    The Guided Workflow page appears.

    The Status icon of this step has changed to a check mark and the Execute icon for the next step is now enabled.

  7. Once the analysis task is created, you can build the pre-change performance data by executing the SQL statements stored in the SQL tuning set, as described in Creating a Pre-Change SQL Trial .