Using Original Export Parameters with Data Pump

Data Pump Export accepts original Export parameters when they map to a corresponding Data Pump parameter. Table 4-1 describes how Data Pump Export interprets original Export parameters. Parameters that have the same name and functionality in both original Export and Data Pump Export are not included in this table.

Table 4-1 How Data Pump Export Handles Original Export Parameters

Original Export Parameter Action Taken by Data Pump Export Parameter


This parameter is ignored.


This parameter is ignored. In original Export, the COMPRESS parameter affected how the initial extent was managed. Setting COMPRESS=n caused original Export to use current storage parameters for the initial and next extent.

The Data Pump Export COMPRESSION parameter is used to specify how data is compressed in the dump file, and is not related to the original Export COMPRESS parameter.


Data Pump Export determines the current time and uses FLASHBACK_TIME.


If original Export used CONSTRAINTS=n, then Data Pump Export uses EXCLUDE=CONSTRAINTS.

The default behavior is to include constraints as part of the export.


This parameter is ignored. Data Pump Export automatically chooses the best export method.


The Data Pump Export STATUS=30 command is used. Note that this is not a direct mapping because the STATUS command returns the status of the export job, as well as the rows being processed.

In original Export, feedback was given after a certain number of rows, as specified with the FEEDBACK command. In Data Pump Export, the status is given every so many seconds, as specified by STATUS.


Data Pump Export attempts to determine the path that was specified or defaulted to for the FILE parameter, and also to determine whether a directory object exists to which the schema has read and write access.

See "Management of File Locations in Data Pump Legacy Mode" for more information about how Data Pump handles the original Export FILE parameter.


If original Export used GRANTS=n, then Data Pump Export uses EXCLUDE=GRANT.

If original Export used GRANTS=y, then the parameter is ignored and does not need to be remapped because that is the Data Pump Export default behavior.


If original Export used INDEXES=n, then Data Pump Export uses the EXCLUDE=INDEX parameter.

If original Export used INDEXES=y, then the parameter is ignored and does not need to be remapped because that is the Data Pump Export default behavior.


Data Pump Export attempts to determine the path that was specified or defaulted to for the LOG parameter, and also to determine whether a directory object exists to which the schema has read and write access.

See "Management of File Locations in Data Pump Legacy Mode" for more information about how Data Pump handles the original Export LOG parameter.

The contents of the log file will be those of a Data Pump Export operation. See "Log Files" for information about log file location and content.


This parameter is ignored because Data Pump Export processing ensures that each object is in a consistent state when being exported.


The Data Pump SCHEMAS parameter is used.


This parameter is ignored because Data Pump Export automatically takes care of buffer sizing.


This parameter is ignored because Data Pump Export automatically provides this functionality to users who have been granted the EXP_FULL_DATABASE role.


This parameter is ignored because Data Pump Export automatically provides this functionality to users who have been granted the EXP_FULL_DATABASE role.


This parameter is ignored because Data Pump Export automatically provides this functionality to users who have been granted the EXP_FULL_DATABASE role.


If original Export used ROWS=y, then Data Pump Export uses the CONTENT=ALL parameter.

If original Export used ROWS=n, then Data Pump Export uses the CONTENT=METADATA_ONLY parameter.


This parameter is ignored because statistics are always saved for tables as part of a Data Pump export operation.


If original Export also specified TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE=n, then Data Pump Export ignores the TABLESPACES parameter.

If original Export also specified TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE=y, then Data Pump Export takes the names listed for the TABLESPACES parameter and uses them on the Data Pump Export TRANSPORT_TABLESPACES parameter.


If original Export used TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE=n (the default), then Data Pump Export uses the TABLESPACES parameter.

If original Export used TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE=y, then Data Pump Export uses the TRANSPORT_TABLESPACES parameter and only the metadata is exported.


If original Export used TRIGGERS=n, then Data Pump Export uses the EXCLUDE=TRIGGER parameter.

If original Export used TRIGGERS=y, then the parameter is ignored and does not need to be remapped because that is the Data Pump Export default behavior.


If original Export used TTS_FULL_CHECK=y, then Data Pump Export uses the TRANSPORT_FULL_CHECK parameter.

If original Export used TTS_FULL_CHECK=y, then the parameter is ignored and does not need to be remapped because that is the Data Pump Export default behavior.


When the original Export VOLSIZE parameter is used, it means the location specified for the dump file is a tape device. The Data Pump Export dump file format does not support tape devices. Therefore, this operation terminates with an error.