Default: If LOGFILE is not specified, then a log file is created in the default directory and the name of the log file is generated from the table name and the process ID with an extension of .log. If a log file already exists by the same name, then the access driver reopens that log file and appends the new log information to the end.


LOGFILE specifies the name of the log file that contains any messages generated while the dump file was being accessed. NOLOGFILE prevents the creation of a log file.

Syntax and Description



LOGFILE [directory_object:]logfile_name

If a directory object is not specified as part of the log file name, then the directory object specified by the DEFAULT DIRECTORY attribute is used. If a directory object is not specified and no default directory was specified, then an error is returned. See "File Names for LOGFILE" for information about using substitution variables to create unique file names during parallel loads or unloads.


In the following example, the dump file, dept_dmp, is in the directory identified by the directory object, load_dir, but the log file, deptxt.log, is in the directory identified by the directory object, log_dir.

CREATE TABLE dept_xt (dept_no INT, dept_name CHAR(20), location CHAR(20))
ACCESS PARAMETERS (LOGFILE log_dir:deptxt) LOCATION ('dept_dmp'));

File Names for LOGFILE

The access driver does some symbol substitution to help make file names unique in the case of parallel loads. The symbol substitutions supported are as follows:

  • %p is replaced by the process ID of the current process. For example, if the process ID of the access driver is 12345, then exttab_%p.log becomes exttab_12345.log.

  • %a is replaced by the agent number of the current process. The agent number is the unique number assigned to each parallel process accessing the external table. This number is padded to the left with zeros to fill three characters. For example, if the third parallel agent is creating a file and exttab_%a.log was specified as the file name, then the agent would create a file named exttab_003.log.

  • %% is replaced by %. If there is a need to have a percent sign in the file name, then this symbol substitution must be used.

If the % character is followed by anything other than one of the characters in the preceding list, then an error is returned.

If %p or %a is not used to create unique file names for output files and an external table is being accessed in parallel, then output files may be corrupted or agents may be unable to write to the files.

If no extension is supplied for the file, then a default extension of .log is used. If the name generated is not a valid file name, then an error is returned and no data is loaded or unloaded.