
List trace files.

Syntax and Description

show tracefile [file1 file2 ...] [-rt | -t]
  [-i inc1 inc2 ...] [-path path1 path2 ...] 

This command searches for one or more files under the trace directory and all incident directories of the current ADR homes, unless the -i or -path flags are given.

This command does not require an ADR home to be set unless using the -i option.

Table 17-21 describes the arguments of SHOW TRACEFILE.

Table 17-21 Arguments for SHOW TRACEFILE Command

Argument Description

file1 file2 ...

Filter results by file name. The % symbol is a wildcard character.

Table 17-22 Flags for SHOW TRACEFILE Command

Flag Description

-rt | -t

Order the trace file names by timestamp. -t sorts the file names in ascending order by timestamp, and -rt sorts them in reverse order. Note that file names are only ordered relative to their directory. Listing multiple directories of trace files applies a separate ordering to each directory.

Timestamps are listed next to each file name when using this option.

-i inc1 inc2 ...

Select only the trace files produced for the given incident IDs.

-path path1 path2 ...

Query only the trace files under the given path names.


This example shows all the trace files under the current ADR home:

show tracefile

This example shows all the mmon trace files, sorted by timestamp in reverse order:

show tracefile %mmon% -rt

This example shows all trace files for incidents 1 and 4, under the path /home/steve/temp:

show tracefile -i 1 4 -path /home/steve/temp