Specifying Null Values for Objects

Specifying null values for nonscalar data types is somewhat more complex than for scalar data types. An object can have a subset of its attributes be null, it can have all of its attributes be null (an attributively null object), or it can be null itself (an atomically null object).

Specifying Attribute Nulls

In fields corresponding to column objects, you can use the NULLIF clause to specify the field conditions under which a particular attribute should be initialized to NULL. Example 11-5 demonstrates this.

Example 11-5 Specifying Attribute Nulls Using the NULLIF Clause

Control File Contents

INFILE 'sample.dat'
INTO TABLE departments
  (dept_no      POSITION(01:03)    CHAR,
  dept_name     POSITION(05:15)    CHAR NULLIF dept_name=BLANKS,
  dept_mgr      COLUMN OBJECT
1    ( name     POSITION(17:33)    CHAR NULLIF dept_mgr.name=BLANKS,
1    age        POSITION(35:37)    INTEGER EXTERNAL NULLIF dept_mgr.age=BLANKS,
1    emp_id     POSITION(40:46)    INTEGER EXTERNAL NULLIF dept_mgr.empid=BLANKS))

Data File (sample.dat)

2  101             Johny Quest            1024
   237   Physics   Albert Einstein   65   0000


The callouts, in bold, to the left of the example correspond to the following notes:

  1. The NULLIF clause corresponding to each attribute states the condition under which the attribute value should be NULL

  2. The age attribute of the dept_mgr value is null. The dept_name value is also null.

Specifying Atomic Nulls

To specify in the control file the condition under which a particular object should take a null value (atomic null), you must follow that object's name with a NULLIF clause based on a logical combination of any of the mapped fields (for example, in Example 11-5, the named mapped fields would be dept_no, dept_name, name, age, emp_id, but dept_mgr would not be a named mapped field because it does not correspond (is not mapped) to any field in the data file).

Although the preceding is workable, it is not ideal when the condition under which an object should take the value of null is independent of any of the mapped fields. In such situations, you can use filler fields.

You can map a filler field to the field in the data file (indicating if a particular object is atomically null or not) and use the filler field in the field condition of the NULLIF clause of the particular object. This is shown in Example 11-6.

Example 11-6 Loading Data Using Filler Fields

Control File Contents

INFILE 'sample.dat'
INTO TABLE departments_v2
   (dept_no         CHAR(5),
   dept_name        CHAR(30),
1  is_null          FILLER CHAR,
2  dept_mgr         COLUMN OBJECT NULLIF is_null=BLANKS
      (name         CHAR(30) NULLIF dept_mgr.name=BLANKS, 
      age           INTEGER EXTERNAL(3) NULLIF dept_mgr.age=BLANKS,
      emp_id        INTEGER EXTERNAL(7) 
                    NULLIF dept_mgr.emp_id=BLANKS,
      em_contact    COLUMN OBJECT NULLIF is_null2=BLANKS
         (name      CHAR(30) 
                    NULLIF dept_mgr.em_contact.name=BLANKS, 
         phone_num  CHAR(20) 
                    NULLIF dept_mgr.em_contact.phone_num=BLANKS)),
1  is_null2         FILLER CHAR)      

Data File (sample.dat)

101,Mathematics,n,Johny Q.,,1024,"Barbie",608-251-0010,,
237,Physics,,"Albert Einstein",65,0000,,650-654-3210,n,


The callouts, in bold, to the left of the example correspond to the following notes:

  1. The filler field (data file mapped; no corresponding column) is of type CHAR (because it is a delimited field, the CHAR defaults to CHAR(255)). Note that the NULLIF clause is not applicable to the filler field itself

  2. Gets the value of null (atomic null) if the is_null field is blank.