Commands Available in Export's Interactive-Command Mode

In interactive-command mode, the current job continues running, but logging to the terminal is suspended and the Export prompt (Export>) is displayed.

To start interactive-command mode, do one of the following:

  • From an attached client, press Ctrl+C.

  • From a terminal other than the one on which the job is running, specify the ATTACH parameter in an expdp command to attach to the job. This is a useful feature in situations in which you start a job at one location and need to check on it at a later time from a different location.

Table 2-1 lists the activities you can perform for the current job from the Data Pump Export prompt in interactive-command mode.

Table 2-1 Supported Activities in Data Pump Export's Interactive-Command Mode

Activity Command Used

Add additional dump files.


Exit interactive mode and enter logging mode.


Stop the export client session, but leave the job running.


Redefine the default size to be used for any subsequent dump files.


Display a summary of available commands.


Detach all currently attached client sessions and terminate the current job.


Increase or decrease the number of active worker processes for the current job. This command is valid only in the Enterprise Edition of Oracle Database 11g or later.


Restart a stopped job to which you are attached.


Display detailed status for the current job and/or set status interval.


Stop the current job for later restart.