Parameters Affecting Resource Consumption for Parallel DML and Parallel DDL

The parameters that affect parallel DML and parallel DDL resource consumption are:

Parallel insert, update, and delete operations require more resources than serial DML operations. Similarly, PARALLEL CREATE TABLE AS SELECT and PARALLEL CREATE INDEX can require more resources. For this reason, you may need to increase the value of several additional initialization parameters. These parameters do not affect resources for queries.

See Also:

Oracle Database Reference for information about initialization parameters


For parallel DML and DDL, each query server process starts a transaction. The parallel execution coordinator uses the two-phase commit protocol to commit transactions; therefore, the number of transactions being processed increases by the DOP. Consequently, you might need to increase the value of the TRANSACTIONS initialization parameter.

The TRANSACTIONS parameter specifies the maximum number of concurrent transactions. The default assumes no parallelism. For example, if you have a DOP of 20, you have 20 more new server transactions (or 40, if you have two server sets) and 1 coordinator transaction. In this case, you should increase TRANSACTIONS by 21 (or 41) if the transactions are running in the same instance. If you do not set this parameter, Oracle Database sets it to a value equal to 1.1 x SESSIONS. This discussion does not apply if you are using server-managed undo.


If a system fails when there are uncommitted parallel DML or DDL transactions, you can speed up transaction recovery during startup by using the FAST_START_PARALLEL_ROLLBACK parameter.

This parameter controls the DOP used when recovering terminated transactions. Terminated transactions are transactions that are active before a system failure. By default, the DOP is chosen to be at most two times the value of the CPU_COUNT parameter.

If the default DOP is insufficient, set the parameter to HIGH. This gives a maximum DOP of at most four times the value of the CPU_COUNT parameter. This feature is available by default.


This parameter specifies the maximum number of DML locks. Its value should equal the total number of locks on all tables referenced by all users. A parallel DML operation's lock requirement is very different from serial DML. Parallel DML holds many more locks, so you should increase the value of the DML_LOCKS parameter by equal amounts.


Parallel DML operations are not performed when the table lock of the target table is disabled.

Table 8-4 shows the types of locks acquired by coordinator and parallel execution server processes for different types of parallel DML statements. Using this information, you can determine the value required for these parameters.

Table 8-4 Locks Acquired by Parallel DML Statements

Type of Statement Coordinator Process Acquires: Each Parallel Execution Server Acquires:

Parallel UPDATE or DELETE into partitioned table; WHERE clause pruned to a subset of partitions or subpartitions

1 table lock SX

1 partition lock X for each pruned partition or subpartition

1 table lock SX

1 partition lock NULL for each pruned partition or subpartition owned by the query server process

1 partition-wait lock S for each pruned partition or subpartition owned by the query server process

Parallel row-migrating UPDATE into partitioned table; WHERE clause pruned to a subset of partitions or subpartitions

1 table lock SX

1 partition X lock for each pruned partition or subpartition

1 partition lock SX for all other partitions or subpartitions

1 table lock SX

1 partition lock NULL for each pruned partition or subpartition owned by the query server process

1 partition-wait lock S for each pruned partition owned by the query server process

1 partition lock SX for all other partitions or subpartitions

Parallel UPDATE, MERGE, DELETE, or INSERT into partitioned table

1 table lock SX

Partition locks X for all partitions or subpartitions

1 table lock SX

1 partition lock NULL for each partition or subpartition

1 partition-wait lock S for each partition or subpartition

Parallel INSERT into partitioned table; destination table with partition or subpartition clause

1 table lock SX

1 partition lock X for each specified partition or subpartition

1 table lock SX

1 partition lock NULL for each specified partition or subpartition

1 partition-wait lock S for each specified partition or subpartition

Parallel INSERT into nonpartitioned table

1 table lock X



Table, partition, and partition-wait DML locks all appear as TM locks in the V$LOCK view.

Consider a table with 600 partitions running with a DOP of 100. Assume all partitions are involved in a parallel UPDATE or DELETE statement with no row-migrations.

The coordinator acquires:

  • 1 table lock SX

  • 600 partition locks X

Total server processes acquire:

  • 100 table locks SX

  • 600 partition locks NULL

  • 600 partition-wait locks S