A Sample Scenario for Managing Statements in the Parallel Queue

This scenario discusses how to manage statements in the parallel queue with consumer groups set up with Oracle Database Resource Manager. For this scenario, consider a data warehouse workload that consists of three types of SQL statements:

  • Short-running SQL statements

    Short-running identifies statements running less than one minute. You expect these statements to have very good response times.

  • Medium-running SQL statements

    Medium-running identifies statements running more than one minute, but less than 15 minutes. You expect these statements to have reasonably good response times.

  • Long-running SQL statements

    Long-running identifies statements that are ad-hoc or complex queries running more than 15 minutes. You expect these statements to take a long time.

For this data warehouse workload, you want better response times for the short-running statements. To achieve this goal, you must ensue that:

  • Long-running statements do not use all of the parallel server resources, forcing shorter statements to wait in the parallel statement queue.

  • When both short-running and long-running statements are queued, short-running statements should be dequeued ahead of long-running statements.

  • The DOP for short-running queries is limited because the speedup from a very high DOP is not significant enough to justify the use of a large number of parallel servers.

Example 8-3 shows how to set up consumer groups using Oracle Database Resource Manager to set priorities for statements in the parallel statement queue. Note the following for this example:

  • By default, users are assigned to the OTHER_GROUPS consumer group. If the estimated execution time of a SQL statement is longer than 1 minute (60 seconds), then the user switches to MEDIUM_SQL_GROUP. Because switch_for_call is set to TRUE, the user returns to OTHER_GROUPS when the statement has completed. If the user is in MEDIUM_SQL_GROUP and the estimated execution time of the statement is longer than 15 minutes (900 seconds), the user switches to LONG_SQL_GROUP. Similarly, because switch_for_call is set to TRUE, the user returns to OTHER_GROUPS when the query has completed. The directives used to accomplish the switch process are switch_time, switch_estimate, switch_for_call, and switch_group.

  • After the number of active parallel servers reaches the value of the PARALLEL_SERVERS_TARGET initialization parameter, subsequent parallel statements are queued. The mgmt_p[1-8] directives control the order in which parallel statements are dequeued when parallel servers become available. Because mgmt_p1 is set to 100% for SYS_GROUP in this example, parallel statements from SYS_GROUP are always dequeued first. If no parallel statements from SYS_GROUP are queued, then parallel statements from OTHER_GROUPS are dequeued with probability 70%, from MEDIUM_SQL_GROUP with probability 20%, and LONG_SQL_GROUP with probability 10%.

  • Parallel statements issued from OTHER_GROUPS are limited to a DOP of 4 with the setting of the parallel_degree_limit_p1 directive.

  • To prevent parallel statements of the LONG_SQL_GROUP group from using all of the parallel servers, which could potentially cause parallel statements from OTHER_GROUPS or MEDIUM_SQL_GROUP to wait for long periods of time, its parallel_server_limit directive is set to 50%. This setting means that after LONG_SQL_GROUP has used up 50% of the parallel servers set with the PARALLEL_SERVERS_TARGET initialization parameter, its parallel statements are forced to wait in the queue.

  • Because parallel statements of the LONG_SQL_GROUP group may be queued for a significant amount of time, a timeout is configured for 14400 seconds (4 hours). When a parallel statement from LONG_SQL_GROUP has waited in the queue for 4 hours, the statement is terminated with the error ORA-7454.

Example 8-3 Using consumer groups to set priorities in the parallel statement queue

  /* Create consumer groups.
   * By default, users start in OTHER_GROUPS, which is automatically
   * created for every database.
    'Medium-running SQL statements, between 1 and 15 minutes.  Medium priority.');

    'Long-running SQL statements of over 15 minutes.  Low priority.');
  /* Create a plan to manage these consumer groups */
    'Plan for daytime that prioritizes short-running queries');
    'REPORTS_PLAN', 'SYS_GROUP', 'Directive for sys activity',
    mgmt_p1 => 100);
    'REPORTS_PLAN', 'OTHER_GROUPS', 'Directive for short-running queries',
    mgmt_p2 => 70,
    parallel_degree_limit_p1 => 4,
    switch_time => 60, switch_estimate => TRUE, switch_for_call => TRUE,
    switch_group => 'MEDIUM_SQL_GROUP');
    'REPORTS_PLAN', 'MEDIUM_SQL_GROUP', 'Directive for medium-running queries',
    mgmt_p2 => 20,
    parallel_server_limit => 80,
    switch_time => 900, switch_estimate => TRUE, switch_for_call => TRUE,
    switch_group => 'LONG_SQL_GROUP');
    'REPORTS_PLAN', 'LONG_SQL_GROUP', 'Directive for medium-running queries',
    mgmt_p2 => 10,
    parallel_server_limit => 50,
    parallel_queue_timeout => 14400);

/* Allow all users to run in these consumer groups */
  'public', 'MEDIUM_SQL_GROUP', FALSE);
  'public', 'LONG_SQL_GROUP', FALSE);