When to Use Composite Partitioning

Composite partitioning offers the benefits of partitioning on two dimensions. From a performance perspective you can take advantage of partition pruning on one or two dimensions depending on the SQL statement, and you can take advantage of the use of full or partial partition-wise joins on either dimension.

You can take advantage of parallel backup and recovery of a single table. Composite partitioning also increases the number of partitions significantly, which may be beneficial for efficient parallel execution. From a manageability perspective, you can implement a rolling window to support historical data and still partition on another dimension if many statements can benefit from partition pruning or partition-wise joins.

You can split backups of your tables and you can decide to store data differently based on identification by a partitioning key. For example, you may decide to store data for a specific product type in a read-only, compressed format, and keep other product type data uncompressed.

The database stores every subpartition in a composite partitioned table as a separate segment. Thus, the subpartitions may have properties that differ from the properties of the table or from the partition to which the subpartitions belong.

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See Also:

Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for details regarding syntax and restrictions