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Oracle® Auto Service Request
Release 3.2 for Oracle Enterprise Linux and Solaris
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Validate ASR Systems in My Oracle Support

My Oracle Support provides an interface to the ASR service: both for activation of ASR Assets and for viewing any Service Requests generated from ASR.

With your valid, Oracle Premier Support or Warranty contract, you will need to access My Oracle Support to complete the ASR activation process. You can also view all hardware assets associated with your support identifier.

This chapter includes instructions for using My Oracle Support to perform the following tasks:

To install the ASR software components, you must provide a valid Sun Online Account (SOA) login name in order to validate key information about the systems targeted for ASR installation (for example, serial numbers). Instructions for creating an SOA login are provided in section "Create a Sun Online Account".

Request Support Identifier Access in My Oracle Support

With Oracle Premier Support, a support contract is composed of one or more support identifiers. Each support identifier can cover one or more hardware assets. You must have the appropriate account access before you can complete any ASR installation. Only the Customer User Administrator (CUA) can approve an ASR Asset.

To request access to your support identifier:

Review Assets in My Oracle Support

Once you have access to your appropriate support identifier, you can review all hardware assets associated with it. To view all assets associated with your support identifier:

You can view information about a particular asset, and in some cases, you can update information about the asset. To view the information, click the asset's serial number. You can update the following content:


For more information on how to use My Oracle Support, click the Help link in the upper-right-hand corner.

Access ASR Assets With My Oracle Support Message Center

My Oracle Support includes a Message Center to show when a user action is required. If you have the correct association to a support identifier, then you will receive a message when the following ASR actions are required:

  • Show Assets with ASR 'No Heartbeat' Issue

    This message indicates a network or connection problem with the ASR Asset.

  • Approve ASR Assets

    As new qualified hardware is associated with a support identifier, they need to be approved to be ASR Assets. This message shows when an ASR Asset is awaiting approval. The ASR service will not be enabled for the asset until it is approved in My Oracle Support.

Enable ASR Assets in My Oracle Support

To complete the installation of ASR, you will need to login to My Oracle Support. To complete the installation of ASR:

  1. Install the ASR software:

    • See "Install the ASR Manager" on page 3-1 for instructions to install the ASR Manager software.

    • See"Configure and Manage ASR Assets" on page 4-1 for instructions to install ASR software on qualified assets.

  2. Activate the ASR Asset from the ASR Manager. This step will allow the asset to be approved or denied for ASR activation with My Oracle Support:

  3. Login to My Oracle Support (

  4. In the My Oracle Support Dashboard, click the “More...” tab. Then select “Settings” from the menu.

  5. In the “Settings” pane on the left of the window, select “Assets” (located under the Administrative submenu). For your Support Identifier, select "ASR Status" from the sort filter, then select Pending from the "All Statuses" drop-down menu:

    Surrounding text describes asr_status1.gif.


    By default, all support identifiers that you are associated with are displayed. If this list of assets is long, you can limit the display to show only assets associated to one support identifier.

    You can filter and sort on asset columns to find the assets you are interested in.

  6. You can approve a Pending asset two ways:

    • Activate via Asset Toolbar

      Click the asset's serial number to display a toolbar with following options:

      • Assign Contact - select this option to assign a contact to the asset. Only users associated with the support identifier can be a contact.

      • Change Address - select this option to update the asset's physical location.

      • Approve - for assets that are Pending, click Approve to enable ASR for the asset.

      • Other Actions - you can also perform other actions such as Activate (for an inactive asset), Deactivate (for an active asset), or Deny (for a pending request).

      The Asset Toolbar looks like this:

      Toolbar graphic sample


      You can use the Asset Toolbar to update multiple assets. To select multiple assets:
      1. Click the checkbox of each asset.

      2. Click the first asset then shift-click another asset to select all the assets in a range.

    • Activate via Asset Details

      At the bottom of the Asset pane, there is a "Show Asset Details" option. Click an asset's serial number and then the "Show Asset Details" to update information about the asset. The ASR Activation window will appear and look like this:

      Surrounding text describes asset_details1.gif.

      Required fields for ASR asset activation are indicated by an asterisk (*). You should update and verify the following fields:

      • Asset Name: You can assign a name for the asset.

      • ASR Status: This field shows the current status of the ASR Asset. For Pending assets, click the Approve button to enable the asset for ASR.


        There can be many reasons to deny ASR activation. For example, if the machine is part of a test environment and you do not want to receive status email from ASR, then you can click the Deny button to exclude it from ASR. You can always update the settings for the machine to include it.
      • Contact Name: Users that have been associated with the Support Identifier for the asset will appear in this drop-down menu. Click the drop-down menu to see the list of available names.

      • Street Address 1: Enter the street address for the physical location of the asset.

      • Country: Select the asset's country location from the drop-down menu.

      • ZIP/Postal Code: enter the ZIP/postal code for the asset's location.

      • Distribution Email List: You may add an email address that will receive all ASR email notifications (for example ""). Oracle ASR will send email to the Contact's email address and the Distribution Email List, if provided. You may also include multiple email addresses, separated by commas (for example, ","). This feature is useful if your organization has one or more teams that should be informed about Service Requests created by ASR.

Create a Sun Online Account

As part of the installation process, the ASR installer will include certain information you provide with your SOA login. To create a Sun Online Account:

  1. Go to and follow the "Registration" links.

  2. Once registered, make sure you are logged into the Sun Online website (

  3. Confirm that the information listed below is valid. This information is used by ASR. Click on the drop-down menu at the Welcome [customer_name] link and select Manage My Account to change any information, if needed.


    If you already have a Sun Online Account (SOA) login, verify your information is correct.
    • Company name

    • Street address

    • City

    • Province/Postal code

    • Country

    • Contact telephone number

  4. Keep track of your login credentials for future use.

Oracle Partner Network (OPN) Partners and ASR

If support services for your ASR assets are provided by an Oracle Partner, the Partner is responsible for ASR activation in My Oracle Support. When ASR detects a fault, only the Partner is notified of the problem.

ASR generates a draft Service Request in My Oracle Support, accessible only to the Partner. If the Partner requires assistance from Oracle Support to resolve the problem, they use My Oracle Support to promote the draft Service Request to a technical Service Request.

The Partner's My Oracle Support account must have access to their respective partner Customer Support Identifier (CSI) and the customer's CSI associated with the asset and must have administrator privileges on both CSIs. The Partner has the responsibility to:

You can use My Oracle Support to view ASR asset status, but you cannot edit the ASR asset information.