This chapter describes how to access data in Oracle XML DB Repository using standard protocols such as FTP and HTTP(S)/WebDAV, and other Oracle XML DB resource Application Program Interfaces (APIs). It also introduces you to using RESOURCE_VIEW
as the SQL mechanism for accessing and manipulating repository data. It includes a table for comparing repository operations through the various resource APIs.
This chapter contains these topics:
Using Oracle XML DB Repository you can store content in the database in hierarchical structures, as opposed to traditional relational database structures. Although Oracle XML DB Repository can manage any kind of content, it provides specialized capabilities and optimizations related to managing resources where the content is XML.
Relational databases are traditionally poor at managing hierarchical structures and traversing a path or a URL. Oracle XML DB Repository provides you with a hierarchical organization of XML content in the database. You can query and manage it as if it were organized using files and folders.
The relational table-row-column metaphor is an effective model for managing highly structured data. It can be less effective for managing semi-structured and unstructured data, such as document-oriented XML data.
For example, a book is not easily represented as a set of rows in a table. It might be more natural to represent a book as a hierarchy, book — chapter — section — paragraph, and to represent the hierarchy as a set of folders and subfolders.
A hierarchical repository index speeds up folder and path traversals. Oracle XML DB includes a patented hierarchical index that speeds up folder and path traversals in Oracle XML DB Repository. The hierarchical repository index is transparent to end users, and lets Oracle XML DB perform folder and path traversals at speeds comparable to or faster than conventional file systems.
Figure 21-1 is an example of a hierarchical structure that shows a typical tree of folders and files in Oracle XML DB Repository. The top of the tree shows /
, the root folder.
Figure 21-1 A Folder Tree, Showing Hierarchical Structures in the Repository
is used by Oracle XML DB to maintain system-defined XML schemas, access control lists (ACLs), and so on. Do not add or modify any data in folder /sys
.Your applications can access content in Oracle XML DB Repository using standard connect-access protocols such as FTP, HTTP(S), and WebDAV, in addition to languages SQL, PL/SQL, Java, and C. Oracle XML DB adds native support to Oracle Database for these protocols, which were designed for document-centric operations. By providing support for these protocols, Oracle XML DB lets Microsoft Windows Explorer, Microsoft Office, and products from vendors such as Altova and Adobe work directly with XML content stored in the repository.
The repository gives you direct access to XML content stored in Oracle Database, as if it were stored in a file system. You can set access control privileges on repository files and folders.
These features are available because the repository is modeled on WebDAV, an IETF standard that defines a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol. WebDAV lets an HTTP server act as a file server for a DAV-enabled client. For example, a WebDAV-enabled editor can interact with an HTTP/WebDAV server as if it were a file system.
The WebDAV standard uses the term resource to describe a file or a folder. Each resource managed by a WebDAV server is identified by a URL. A resource has not only content but also associated metadata.
This chapter provides an overview of how to access data in Oracle XML DB Repository folders using the standard protocols. It discusses APIs that you can use to access the repository object hierarchy using Java, SQL, and PL/SQL.
See Also:
When using a relational database to maintain hierarchical folder structures, ensuring a high degree of concurrency when adding and removing items in a folder is a challenge. In conventional file systems there is no concept of a transaction. Each operation (add a file, create a subfolder, rename a file, delete a file, and so on) is treated as an atomic transaction. Once the operation has completed the change is immediately available to all other users of the file system.
As a consequence of transactional semantics enforced by the database, folders created using SQL statements are not visible to other database users until the transaction is committed. Concurrent access to Oracle XML DB Repository is controlled by the same mechanism used to control concurrency in Oracle Database. The integration of the repository with Oracle Database provides strong management options for XML content.One key advantage of Oracle XML DB Repository is the ability to use SQL for repository operations in the context of a logical transaction. Applications can create long-running transactions that include updates to one or more folders. In this situation, a conventional locking strategy that takes an exclusive lock on each updated folder or directory tree would quickly result in significant concurrency problems.
Oracle XML DB solves this by providing for name-level locking rather than folder-level locking. Repository operations such as creating, renaming, moving, or deleting a sub-folder or file do not require that your operation be granted an exclusive write lock on the target folder. The repository manages concurrent folder operations by locking the name within the folder rather than the folder itself. The name and the modification type are put on a queue.
Only when the transaction is committed is the folder locked and its contents modified. Hence Oracle XML DB lets multiple applications perform concurrent updates on the contents of a folder. The queue is also used to manage folder concurrency by preventing two applications from creating objects with the same name.
Queuing folder modifications until commit time also minimizes I/O when a number of changes are made to a single folder in the same transaction.
This is useful when several applications generate files quickly in the same directory, for example when generating trace or log files, or when maintaining a spool directory for printing or e-mail delivery.
There are two ways to access Oracle XML DB Repository resources:
Navigational or path-based access. This uses a hierarchical index of resources. Each resource has one or more unique path names that reflect its location in the hierarchy. You can navigate, using XPath expressions, to any repository resource.
A repository resource can be created as a reference to an existing XMLType
object in the database. You can navigate to any such database object using XPath. See "Navigational or Path Access to Repository Resources".
SQL access to the repository. This is done using special views that expose resource properties and path names, and map hierarchical access operators onto the Oracle XML DB schema. See "Query-Based Access to Repository Resources".
See Also:
"Oracle XML DB Repository Access" for guidance on selecting an access method
Table 21-3, "Accessing Oracle XML DB Repository: API Options" for a summary comparison of the access methods
A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is used to access an Oracle XML DB resource. A URL includes the host name, protocol information, path name, and resource name of the object.
Database schema (user account) XDB
is created during Oracle XML DB installation. The primary table in this schema is an XMLType
table called XDB$RESOURCE
. This contains one row for each resource (file or folder) in Oracle XML DB Repository. Documents in this table are referred to as resource documents. The XML schema that defines the structure of an Oracle XML DB resource document is registered under URL, "
. All of the metadata for managing the repository is stored in a database schema owned by user XDB
The tables owned by database schema (user) XDB
are internal. Oracle recommends the following:
Create a dedicated tablespace for use only by user XDB
, which means also for Oracle XML DB Repository. Ensure that the tablespace is not read-only.
Do not directly manipulate any tables or data owned by user XDB
. For example, do not compress or uncompress them.
Use only the PL/SQL subprograms and database views provided by Oracle XML DB to carry out operations on any tables or data owned by user XDB
Never unlock user XDB
, under any circumstance.
See Also:
"Package DBMS_XDB_ADMIN," for information about creating a dedicated tablespace for user XDB
and the repository
Oracle Database 2 Day + Security Guide for information about database schema XDB
Oracle XML DB Repository is the set of database objects, across all XML and database schemas, that are mapped to path names. It is a connected, directed, acyclicFoot 1 graph of resources, with a single root node (/
). Each resource in the graph has one or more associated path names: the repository supports multiple links to a given resource. The repository can be thought of as a file system of objects rather than files.
The following list describes terms used in Oracle XML DB Repository:
resource – Any object or node in the repository hierarchy. A resource is identified by a Uniform Resource Locator (URL), which includes the path name and resource name of the object.
folder – A resource that can contain other resources. Sometimes called a directory.
path name – A hierarchical name representing an absolute path to a resource. It is composed of a slash (/
) representing the repository root, followed by zero or more path components separated by slashes. A path component cannot be only .
or ..
, but a period (.
) can otherwise be used in a path component. A path component is composed of any characters in the database character set except slash (/
), backslash (\
), and those characters specified in the Oracle XML DB configuration file, xdbconfig.xml
, by configuration parameter /xdbconfig/sysconfig/invalid-pathname-chars
resource name (or link name) – The name of a resource within its parent folder. This is the rightmost path component of a path name. Resource names must be unique within their immediately containing folder, and they are case-sensitive.
resource content – The body, or data, of a resource. This is what you get when you treat the resource as a file and ask for its content. This is always of type XMLType
XDBBinary element – An XML element that contains binary data. It is defined by the Oracle XML DB XML schema. XDBBinary
elements are stored in the repository whenever unstructured binary data is uploaded into Oracle XML DB.
access control list (ACL) – An ordered list of rules that specify access privileges for principals (users or roles) to one or more repository resources.
See Also:
Chapter 27, "Repository Access Control"Many terms used by Oracle XML DB have common synonyms in other contexts, as shown in Table 21-1.
Table 21-1 Synonyms for Oracle XML DB Repository Terms
Synonym | Repository Term | Usage |
collection |
folder |
WebDAV |
directory |
folder |
operating systems |
privilege |
privilege |
permission |
right |
privilege |
various |
WebDAV folder |
folder |
Web folder |
role |
group |
access control |
revision |
version |
file system |
repository |
operating systems |
hierarchy |
repository |
various |
file |
resource |
operating systems |
binding |
link |
WebDAV |
The list of supplied Oracle XML DB Repository files and folders is as follows. In addition to using these, you can create your own folders and files wherever you want.
/dbfsFoot 2 /public /sys /sys/acls /sys/acls/all_all_acl.xml /sys/acls/all_owner_acl.xml /sys/acls/bootstrap_acl.xml /sys/acls/ro_all_acl.xml /sys/apps /sys/asm /sys/log /sys/schemas /sys/schemas/PUBLIC /sys/schemas/PUBLIC/ /sys/schemas/PUBLIC/ /sys/schemas/PUBLIC/ /sys/schemas/PUBLIC/ /sys/schemas/PUBLIC/ /sys/schemas/PUBLIC/ /sys/schemas/PUBLIC/ /sys/schemas/PUBLIC/ /sys/schemas/PUBLIC/ /sys/schemas/PUBLIC/ /sys/schemas/PUBLIC/ /sys/schemas/PUBLIC/ /sys/schemas/PUBLIC/ /xdbconfig.xml
Oracle XML DB Repository resources conform to the Oracle XML DB XML schema XDBResource.xsd
. The elements in a resource include those needed to persistently store WebDAV-defined properties, such as creation date, modification date, WebDAV locks, owner, ACL, language, and character set.
A resource index has a special element called Contents
that contains the contents of the resource.
The XML schema for a resource also defines an any
element, with maxOccurs
attribute unbounded. An any
element can contain any element outside of the Oracle XML DB XML namespace. Arbitrary instance-defined properties can be associated with the resource.
Oracle XML DB stores Oracle XML DB Repository data in a set of tables and indexes to which you have access. If you register an XML schema and request that the tables be generated by Oracle XML DB, then the tables are created in your database schema. You are then able to see or modify them. Other users cannot see your tables unless you grant them permission to do so.
The names of the generated tables are assigned by Oracle XML DB, and can be obtained by finding the xdb:defaultTable
attribute in your XML schema document (or in the default XML schema document). When you register an XML schema, you can alternatively provide your own table name, instead of using the default name supplied by Oracle XML DB. If the table specifies binary XML storage, then a document is encoded in binary XML format before storing it in the table.
Applications that need to define object-relational storage for resources can do so in one of these ways:
Subclass the Oracle XML DB resource type. Subclassing Oracle XML DB resources requires privileges on the table XDB$RESOURCE
Store data that conforms to a visible, registered XML schema.
Oracle XML DB provides special handling for XML documents. The rules for storing the contents of schema-based XML document are defined by the XML schema. The content of the document is stored in the default table associated with the global element definition.
Oracle XML DB Repository also stores files that do not contain XML data, such as JPEG images or Word documents. The XML schema for each resource defines which elements are allowed, and specifies whether the content of these files is to be stored as BLOB
instances. The content of a non-schema-based XML document is stored as a CLOB
instance in the repository.
There is one resource and one link-properties document for each file or folder in the repository. If there are multiple access paths to a given document, there is a link-properties document for each possible link. Both the resource document and the link-properties are stored as XML documents. All these documents are stored in tables in the repository.
When an XML file is loaded into the repository, the following sequence of events takes place:
Oracle XML DB examines the root element of the XML document to see if it is associated with a known (registered) XML schema. This involves looking to see if the document includes a namespace declaration for the XMLSchema-instance
namespace, and then looking for a schemaLocation
or noNamespaceSchemaLocation
attribute that identifies which XML schema the document is associated with.
If the document is based on a known XML schema, then the metadata for the XML schema is loaded from the XML schema cache.
The XML document is parsed and decomposed into a set of SQL objects derived from the XML schema.
The SQL objects created from the XML file are stored in the default table defined when the XML schema was registered with the database.
A resource document is created for each document processed. This lets the content of the document be accessed using the repository. The resource document for an XML schema-based XMLType
instance includes an XMLRef
element. This element contains a REF
of XMLType
that can be used to locate the row in the default table containing the content associated with the resource.
You can control access to the resources in Oracle XML DB Repository by using access control lists (ACLs). An ACL is a list of access control entries (ACEs), each of which grants or denies a set of privileges to a specific principal. The principal can be a database user, a database role, an LDAP user, an LDAP group or the special principal DAV::owner
, which refers to the owner of the resource. Each resource in the repository is protected by an ACL. The ACL determines what privileges, such as read-properties
and update
, a user has on the resource. Each repository operation includes a check of the ACL to determine if the current user is allowed to perform the operation.
By default, a new resource inherits the ACL of its parent folder. But you can set the ACL of a resource using PL/SQL procedure DBMS_XDB_REPOS.setACL
. For more details on Oracle XML DB resource security, see Chapter 27, "Repository Access Control".
In the following example, the current user is QUINE
. The query gives the number of resources in the folder /public
. Assume that there are only two resources in this folder: f1
and f2
. Also assume that the ACL on f1
grants the read-properties
privilege to QUINE
while the ACL on f2
does not grant QUINE
any privileges. A user needs the read-properties
privilege on a resource for it to be visible to the user. The result of the query is 1
, because only f1
is visible to QUINE
SELECT count(*) FROM RESOURCE_VIEW r WHERE under_path(r.res, '/public') = 1; COUNT(*) -------- 1
The data relating a folder to its contents is managed by the Oracle XML DB hierarchical repository index. This provides a fast mechanism for evaluating path names, similar to the directory mechanisms that are used by operating-system file systems.
Resources that are folders have the Container
attribute of element Resource
set to true
To resolve a resource name in a folder, the current user must have the following privileges:
privilege on the folder
on the resource in that folder
If the user does not have these privileges, then the user receives an access denied
error. Folder listings and other queries do not return a row when the read-properties
privilege is denied on its resource.
Error handling in path-name resolution differentiates between invalid resource names and resources that are not folders, for compatibility with file systems. Because Oracle XML DB resources are accessible from outside Oracle XML DB Repository (using SQL), denying read access on a folder that contains a resource does not prevent read access to that resource.See Also:
"XDBResource.xsd: XML Schema for Oracle XML DB Resources" for the definition of elementResource
and its attribute Container
Links in Oracle XML DB can be repository links or document links. Repository links can be hard links or weak links. Document links can also be hard links or weak links, when their targets are repository resources. These terms are explained further in the following sections.
In addition to containing resources, a folder resource can contain links to other resources (files or folders). These repository links, sometimes called folder links, are not to be confused with document links, which correspond to the links provided by the XLink and XInclude standards, and which are also supported by Oracle XML DB. Repository links are navigational, folder–child links among repository resources. Document links are arbitrary links among documents that are not necessarily repository resources.
Repository links represent repository hierarchical relationships. Document links represent arbitrary relationships whose semantics derives from the applications that use them. Because they represent repository hierarchical relationships, repository links can be navigated using file system-related protocols. This is not true of document links. Because document links can represent arbitrary relationships, they can also represent repository relationships. When document links thus target resources, they can also be hard or weak.
See Also:
Chapter 23, "How To Use XLink and XInclude with Oracle XML DB" for information about document linksLinks that target repository resources can be hard links or weak links. Both hard and weak links are references, or pointers, to physical data — (internal) repository resource identifiers. They do not point to symbolic names or paths to other links. Their targets are resolved at the time of link creation. Because they point directly to resource identifiers, hard and weak links cannot dangle: they remain valid even when their targets are renamed or moved. You need the same privileges to create or delete hard and weak links.
The difference between hard and weak links lies in their relationship to target resource deletion. A target resource is dependent on its hard links, in the sense that it cannot be deleted as long as it remains the target of a hard link. Deletion of a hard link also deletes the resource targeted by the link, if the following are both true:
The resource is not versioned.
The hard link that was deleted was the last (that is, the only) hard link to the resource.
A weak link has no such hold on a resource: you can delete a resource, even if it is the target of a weak link (as long as it is not the target of a hard link). Because of this, weak links can be used as shortcuts to frequently accessed resources, without impacting deletion of those resources.
There is a dependency in the other direction, however: If you delete a resource that is the target of one or more weak links, then those links are automatically deleted, as well. In this sense, too, weak links cannot dangle. Both hard and weak links provide referential integrity: if a link exists, then so does its target.
Another difference between hard and weak links is this: Hard links to ancestor folders are not permitted, because they introduce cycles. There is no such restriction for weak links: a weak link can target any folder, possibly creating a cycle. It is the set of hard links that define the (acyclic) structure of Oracle XML DB Repository. Weak links represent an additional mapping on top of that basic structure.
You can query the repository path view, PATH_VIEW
, to determine the type of a repository link: the link information contains the link type. XMLType
column LINK
contains this information in element LinkType
, which is a child of the root element, LINK
. Example 21-1 illustrates this. You can also determine the type of a repository link by using the getLink()
callback function on an event handler (LinkIn
, LinkTo
, UnlinkIn
, or UnlinkFrom
Example 21-1 Querying PATH_VIEW to Determine Link Type
SELECT RESID, XMLCast(XMLQuery('/LINK/LinkType' PASSING LINK RETURNING CONTENT) AS VARCHAR2(24)) link_type FROM PATH_VIEW WHERE equals_path(RES, '/home/QUINE/purchaseOrder.xml') = 1; RESID LINK_TYPE -------------------------------- --------- DF9856CF2FE0829EE030578CCE0639C5 Weak
See Also:
"Query-Based Access to Repository Resources" for information about PATH_VIEW
Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information on PL/SQL function getLink
Suppose that you want to read a file resource that belongs to one of your colleagues. You cannot create a hard link to that resource, to make it accessible for your use, unless you have the privilege <xdb:resolve>
on all of the ancestor folders of that file. Having that privilege would mean that you could see all of your colleague's folder names and the structure of the hierarchy down to the target resource.
However, because weak links essentially represent a mapping on top of the real repository structure, which structure is determined by the set of hard links, you can create a weak link to a resource using just its OID rather than its full, named path (URL). Your colleague can determine the OID path to the file, send you that instead of the named path, and you can create a weak link to the document using that OID path. Example 21-2 and Example 21-3 illustrate this.
Example 21-2 prints the OID path for the file resource /home/QUINE/purchaseOrder.xml
. User quine
can use this to obtain the OID path to the resource, and then send that path to user curry
, who can create a weak link to the resource (Example 21-3).
Example 21-2 Obtaining the OID Path of a Resource
resoid RAW(16);
oidpath VARCHAR2(100);
WHERE equals_path(RES, '/home/QUINE/purchaseOrder.xml') = 1;
oidpath := DBMS_XDB_REPOS.createOIDPath(resoid);
In Example 21-3, user curry
creates a weak link named quinePurchaseOrder.xml
in folder /home/CURRY
. The target of the link is the OID path that corresponds to the URL /home/QUINE/purchaseOrder.xml
. User curry
need not be aware of the repository structure that is visible to user quine
Sometimes, it is useful to restrict the creation of hard links, disallowing multiple hard links to folders or files (or both). In particular, allowing multiple hard links to file resources, but disallowing multiple hard links to folder resources, provides behavior that is similar to that for some file systems, including UNIX and Linux. This can simplify application design, by, in effect, ensuring that each file resource has a unique, canonical hard-link path to it. In addition, preventing multiple hard links to a resource can lead to query performance improvements.
You can configure the prevention of multiple hard links using the following Boolean parameters in configuration file xdbconfig.xml
. The default value of each parameter is true
, meaning that multiple hard links can be created.
– Prevent the creation of multiple hard links to a folder resource, if false
– Prevent the creation of multiple hard links to a file resource, if false
Oracle XML DB Repository folders support the same protocol standards used by many operating systems. This lets a repository folder act like a native folder (directory) in supported operating-system environments. For example:
You can use Windows Explorer to open and access repository files and folders (resources) the same way you access other files and folders in the file system, as shown in Figure 21-2.
You can access repository data using HTTP(S)/WebDAV from a Web browser, as shown in Figure 21-3 and Figure 21-4.
Figure 21-3 shows a browser visiting URL http://xdbdemo:8080/
. The server it is connected to is xdbdemo
, and its HTTP port number is 8080
Figure 21-4 shows a browser using HTTP to visit an XML document (an XSL stylesheet) stored in the database. The URL is http://localhost:8080/home/SCOTT/poSource/xsl/purchaseOrder.xsl.
Figure 21-2 Oracle XML DB Folders in Windows Explorer
Figure 21-3 Accessing Repository Data Using HTTP(S)/WebDAV and a Web Browser
Figure 21-4 Path-Based Access Using HTTP and a URL
Oracle Net Services provides one way of accessing database resources. Oracle XML DB support for Internet protocols provides another way of accessing database resources.
Oracle Net Services is optimized for record-oriented data. Internet protocols are designed for stream-oriented data, such as binary files or XML text documents. Oracle XML DB protocol access is a valuable alternative to Net Services in the following scenarios:
Direct database access from file-oriented applications using the database like a file system
Heterogeneous application server environments that require a uniform data access method (such as XML over HTTP, which is supported by most data servers, including MS SQL Server, Exchange, Notes, many XML databases, stock quote services and news feeds)
Application server environments that require data in the form of XML text
Web applications that use client-side XSL to format datagrams that do not need much application processing
Web applications that use Java servlets that run inside the database
Web access to XML-oriented stored procedures
Accessing Oracle XML DB using a protocol proceeds as follows:
A connection object is established, and the protocol might read part of the request.
The protocol decides whether the user is already authenticated and wants to reuse an existing session or the connection must be re-authenticated (the latter is more common).
An existing session is pulled from the session pool, or else a new one is created.
If authentication has not been provided, and the request is HTTP get
or head
, then the session is run as the ANONYMOUS
user. If the session has already been authenticated as the ANONYMOUS
user, then there is no cost to reuse the existing session. If authentication has been provided, then the database re-authentication routines are used to authenticate the connection.
The request is parsed.
(HTTP only) If the requested path name maps to a servlet, then the servlet is invoked using Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The servlet code writes the response to a response stream or asks XMLType
instances to do so.
When the protocol indicates that a resource is to be retrieved, the path name to the resource is resolved. Resources being fetched are always streamed out as XML, with the exception of resources containing the XDBBinary
element, an element defined to be the XML binary data type, which have their contents streamed out in RAW
When the protocol indicates that a resource must be stored, Oracle XML DB checks the document file name extension for .xml
, .xsl
, .xsd
, and so on. If the document is XML, then a pre-parse step is done, whereby enough of the resource is read to determine the XML schemaLocation
and namespace
of the root element in the document. If a registered schema is located at the schemaLocation
URL, and it has a definition for the root element of the current document, then the default table specified for that root element is used to store the contents of the resource.
Oracle XML DB supports Internet protocols at the XMLType
level by using Java XMLType
method writeToStream()
. This method is implemented natively and writes XMLType
data directly to the protocol request stream. This avoids Java VM execution costs and the overhead of converting database data through Java data types and creating Java objects, resulting in significantly higher performance. Performance is further enhanced if the Java code deals only with XML element trees that are close to the root, and does not traverse too many of the leaf elements, so that relatively few Java objects are created.
Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) organizes database files into disk groups for simplified management and added benefits such as database mirroring and I/O balancing.
Repository access using protocols and resource APIs (such as DBMS_XDB_REPOS
) extends to Oracle ASM files. These files are accessed in the virtual repository folder /sys/asm
. However, this access is reserved for database administrators (DBAs). It is not intended for developers.
A typical use of such access is to copy Oracle ASM files from one database instance to another. For example, a DBA can view folder /sys/asm
in a graphical user interface using the WebDAV protocol, and then drag-and-drop a copy of a data-pump dump set from an Oracle ASM disk group to an operating-system file system.
Virtual folder /sys/asm
is created by default during Oracle XML DB installation. If the database is not configured to use Oracle ASM, the folder is empty and no operations are permitted on it.
Folder /sys/asm
contains folders and subfolders that follow the hierarchy defined by the structure of an Oracle ASM fully qualified filename:
It contains a subfolder for each mounted disk group.
A disk-group folder contains a subfolder for each database that uses that disk group. In addition, a disk-group folder may contain files and folders corresponding to Oracle ASM aliases created by the administrator.
A database folder contains file-type folders.
A file-type folder contains Oracle ASM files, which are binary.
This hierarchy is shown in Figure 21-5, which omits directories created for aliases, for simplicity.
Figure 21-5 Oracle ASM Virtual Folder Hierarchy
The following usage restrictions apply to virtual folder /sys/asm
. You cannot:
query /sys/asm
using SQL
put regular files under /sys/asm
(you can put only Oracle ASM files there)
move (rename) an Oracle ASM file to a different Oracle ASM disk group or to a folder outside Oracle ASM
create hard links to existing Oracle ASM files or directories
In addition:
You must have the privileges of role DBA
to view folder /sys/asm
To access /sys/asm
using Oracle XML DB protocols, you must log in as a user other than SYS
Again, Oracle ASM virtual-folder operations are intended only for database administrators, not developers.
See Also:
"Using FTP with Oracle ASM Files" for an example of using protocol FTP with /sys/asm
Oracle Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide for information about the syntax of a fully qualified Oracle ASM filename and details on the virtual folder structure
provides subprograms that act on repository resources. This API is based on the public views RESOURCE_VIEW
, which enable SQL access to Oracle XML DB Repository data through protocols such as FTP and HTTP(S)/WebDAV:
– Has one row for each unique repository path
– Has one row for each resource
Through these views, you can access and update both the metadata and the content of documents stored in the repository. Operations on the views use underlying repository tables such as XDB$RESOURCE
Each view contains virtual column RES
. You use column RES
to access and update resource documents using SQL statements that accept a repository path notation.
contains column ANY_PATH
. Column ANY_PATH
contains a valid URL that the current user can pass to PL/SQL constructor XDBURIType
to access the resource content. If this content is not binary data, then the resource itself also contains the content.
Table 21-2 summarizes the differences between the views.
Table 21-2 Differences Between PATH_VIEW and RESOURCE_VIEW
Contains link properties |
No link properties |
Has one row for each unique path in repository |
Has one row for each resource in repository |
Rows in these views are of data type XMLType
, the single path associated with a resource is arbitrarily chosen from among the possible paths that refer to the resource. Oracle XML DB provides SQL functions, such as under_path
, that let applications search for the resources contained within a particular folder (recursively), obtain the resource depth, and so on.
DML code can be used on the repository views to insert, rename, delete, and update resource properties and contents. Programmatic APIs must be used for other operations, such as creating links to existing resources.
Oracle XML DB supports the concept of linking. Linking makes it possible to define multiple paths to a given document. A separate XML document, called the link-properties document, maintains metadata properties that are specific to the path, rather than to the resource. Whenever a resource is created, an initial link is also created.
exposes the link-properties documents. There is one entry in PATH_VIEW
for each possible path to a document. Column RES
contains the resource document pointed to by this link. Column PATH
contains the path that the link lets you use to access the resource. Column LINK
contains the link-properties document (metadata) for this PATH
See Also:
Chapter 24, "Repository Access Using RESOURCE_VIEW and PATH_VIEW"
Oracle Database Reference for more information about view PATH_VIEW
Oracle Database Reference for more information about view RESOURCE_VIEW
Oracle XML DB implements Java Servlet API, version 2.2, with the following exceptions:
All servlets must be distributable. They must expect to run in different virtual machines.
WAR and web.xml
files are not supported. Oracle XML DB supports a subset of the XML configurations in this file. An XSLT stylesheet can be applied to the web.xml
to generate servlet definitions. An external tool must be used to create database roles for those defined in the web.xml
JSP (Java Server Pages) support can be installed as a servlet and configured manually.
and related classes are not supported.
Only one servlet context (that is, one Web application) is supported.
You can operate on data stored in Oracle XML DB Repository resources using any of the following:
Oracle XML DB resource APIs for Java
A combination of Oracle XML DB resource views API and Oracle XML DB resource API for PL/SQL
Internet protocols (HTTP(S)/WebDAV and FTP) and Oracle XML DB protocol server
Oracle XML DB Content Connector and, through it, the standard Content Repository API for Java (JCR).
These access methods can be used equivalently. It does not matter how you add content to the repository or retrieve it from there. For example, you can add content to the repository using SQL or PL/SQL and then retrieve it using an Internet protocol, or the other way around.
Table 21-3 lists common Oracle XML DB Repository operations, and describes how these operations can be accomplished using each of several access methods. The table shows functionality common to the different methods, but not all of the methods are equally suited to any particular task. Unless mentioned otherwise, "resource" in this table can be either a file resource or a folder resource.
Table 21-3 also shows the resource privileges that are required for each operation.
Table 21-3 Accessing Oracle XML DB Repository: API Options
Data Access | SQL and PL/SQL | Protocols | Resource Privileges Required | JCR Support |
Create resource |
DBMS_XDB_REPOS.createResource( '/public/T1/testcase.txt', 'ORIGINAL text'); INSERT INTO RESOURCE_VIEW (ANY_PATH, RES) SELECT '/public/T1/copy1.txt', RES FROM RESOURCE_VIEW WHERE equals_path(RES, '/public/T1/testcase.txt') = 1; |
Yes |
Update resource contents |
UPDATE RESOURCE_VIEW SET RES = XMLQuery( 'declare default element namespace ""; (: :) copy $i := $p1 modify (for $j in $i/Resource/Contents/text return replace value of node $j with $p2) return $i' PASSING RES AS "p1", 'NEW text' AS "p2" RETURNING CONTENT) WHERE equals_path(RES, '/public/T1/copy1.txt') = 1 |
Yes |
Update resource properties |
UPDATE RESOURCE_VIEW SET RES = XMLQuery( 'declare default element namespace ""; (: :) copy $i := $p1 modify (for $j in $i/Resource/DisplayName return replace value of node $j with $p2) return $i' PASSING RES AS "p1", 'NewName1.txt' AS "p2" RETURNING CONTENT) WHERE equals_path(RES, '/public/T1/copy1.txt') = 1; |
Yes |
Update resource ACL |
EXEC DBMS_XDB_REPOS.setACL( '/public/T1/copy1.txt', '/sys/acls/all_owner_acl.xml'); |
not applicable |
No |
Unlink resource (delete if last link) |
EXEC DBMS_XDB_REPOS.deleteResource() or DELETE FROM RESOURCE_VIEW WHERE equals_path(RES, path) > 0 |
FTP: |
Yes |
Forcibly remove all links to resource |
DBMS_XDB_REPOS.deleteResource() or DELETE FROM PATH_VIEW WHERE XMLCast( XMLQuery( 'declare namespace n1= ""; (: :) //n1:DisplayName' PASSING RES RETURNING CONTENT) AS VARCHAR2(256)) = 'My resource' |
Yes |
Move resource |
UPDATE PATH_VIEW SET path = '/public/T1/copy2.txt' WHERE equals_path(RES, '/public/T1/copy1.txt') = 1; |
FTP: |
Yes |
Copy resource |
INSERT INTO PATH_VIEW (path, RES, link) SELECT '/public/T1/copy3.txt', RES, link FROM PATH_VIEW WHERE equals_path(RES, '/public/T1/copy2.txt') = 1; |
Copy to new:
Copy to existing (replacement):
Yes |
Create hard link to existing resource |
EXEC'/public/T1/copy3.txt', '/public/T1', 'myhardlink'); |
not applicable |
No |
Create weak link to existing resource |
EXEC '/public/T1/copy3.txt', '/public/T1', 'myweaklink', DBMS_XDB_REPOS.LINK_TYPE_WEAK); |
not applicable |
No |
Change owner of resource |
UPDATE RESOURCE_VIEW SET RES = XMLQuery( 'copy $i := $p1 modify (for $j in $i/Resource/Owner return replace value of node $j with $p2) return $i' PASSING RES AS "p1", 'U2' AS "p2" RETURNING CONTENT) WHERE equals_path(RES, '/public/T1/copy3.txt') = 1; |
not applicable |
Yes |
Get binary or text representation of resource contents |
SELECT XDBURIType(path).getBLOB() FROM DUAL; SELECT XMLQuery( 'declare default element namespace "";(: :) $r/Resource/Contents' PASSING RES AS "r" RETURNING CONTENT) FROM RESOURCE_VIEW WHERE equals_path(RES, '/public/T1/copy2.text') = 1; |
Yes |
Get |
SELECT XDBURIType('/public/T1/res.xml').getXML FROM DUAL; SELECT XMLQuery( 'declare default element namespace "";(: :) $r/Resource/Contents/*' PASSING RES AS "r" RETURNING CONTENT) FROM RESOURCE_VIEW WHERE equals_path(RES, '/public/T1/res.xml') = 1; |
not applicable |
No |
Get resource properties |
SELECT XMLCast( XMLQuery( 'declare default element namespace "";(: :) $r/Resource/LastModifier' PASSING RES AS "r" RETURNING CONTENT) AS VARCHAR2(128)) FROM RESOURCE_VIEW WHERE equals_path(RES, '/public/T1/res.xml') = 1; |
Yes |
List resources in folder |
SELECT PATH FROM PATH_VIEW WHERE under_path(res, '/public/T1') = 1; |
Yes |
Create folder |
Call DBMS_XDB_REPOS.createFolder('/public/T2'); |
FTP: |
Yes |
Unlink empty folder |
DBMS_XDB_REPOS.deleteResource('/public/T2') |
FTP: |
Yes |
Forcibly delete folder and all links to it |
not applicable |
Yes |
Get resource with a row lock |
not applicable |
No |
Add WebDAV lock on resource |
EXEC DBMS_XDB_REPOS.LockResource( '/public/T1/res.xml', TRUE, TRUE); |
No |
Remove WebDAV lock |
DECLARE... BEGIN DBMS_XDB_REPOS.GetLockToken('/public/T1/res.xml', locktoken); DBMS_XDB_REPOS.UnlockResource( '/public/T1/res.xml', locktoken); END; |
No |
Check out file resource |
EXEC DBMS_XDB_VERSION.checkOut( '/public/T1/res.xml'); |
not applicable |
No |
Check in file resource |
EXEC DBMS_XDB_VERSION.checkIn( '/public/T1/res.xml'); |
not applicable |
No |
Uncheck out file resource |
EXEC DBMS_XDB_VERSION.unCheckOut( '/public/T1/res.xml'); |
not applicable |
No |
Make file resource versioned |
EXEC DBMS_XDB_VERSION.makeVersioned( '/public/T1/res.xml'); |
not applicable |
No |
Remove an event handler |
not applicable |
No |
Commit changes |
Automatic commit after each request |
not applicable |
Yes |
Rollback changes |
not applicable |
not applicable |
Yes |
In addition to the privileges listed in Table 21-3, privilege xdb:read-properties
is required on each resource affected by an operation. Operations that affect the parent folder of a resource, in addition to the resource targeted by the operation, also require privilege xdb:read-properties
on that parent folder. For example, deleting a resource affects both the resource to delete and its parent folder, so you need privilege xdb:read-properties
on both the resource and its parent folder.
See Also:
Chapter 24, "Repository Access Using RESOURCE_VIEW and PATH_VIEW"
Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information about PL/SQL package DBMS_XDB_REPOS
Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information about PL/SQL package DBMS_XDB_VERSION
Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information about PL/SQL package DBMS_XEVENT
You can access the content of Oracle XML DB Repository resources in several ways. The easiest way is to use PL/SQL constructor XDBURIType
. You pass a URL to XDBURIType
to specify which resource to access. The URL passed to the XDBURIType
is assumed to start at the root of the repository. Object type XDBURIType
provides methods getBLOB()
, getCLOB()
, and getXML()
, to access the different kinds of content that can be associated with a resource.
Example 21-4 shows how to use constructor XDBURIType
to access the content of the text document:
Example 21-4 Accessing a Text Document in the Repository Using XDBURITYPE
SELECT XDBURIType('/home/QUINE/NurseryRhyme.txt').getCLOB() FROM DUAL; XDBURITYPE('/HOME/QUINE/NURSERYRHYME.TXT').GETCLOB() ---------------------------------------------------- Mary had a little lamb Its fleece was white as snow and everywhere that Mary went that lamb was sure to go 1 row selected.
The contents of a document can also be accessed using the resource document. Example 21-5 shows how to access the content of a text document:
Example 21-5 Accessing Resource Content Using RESOURCE_VIEW
SELECT CONTENT FROM RESOURCE_VIEW, XMLTable(XMLNAMESPACES (default ''), '/Resource/Contents' PASSING RES COLUMNS content CLOB PATH 'text') WHERE equals_path(RES, '/home/QUINE/NurseryRhyme.txt') = 1; CONTENT ------- Mary had a little lamb Its fleece was white as snow and everywhere that Mary went that lamb was sure to go 1 row selected.
The content of non-schema-based and schema-based XML documents can also be accessed through a resource. Example 21-6 shows how to use an XPath expression that includes nodes from a resource document and nodes from an XML document to access the contents of a PurchaseOrder
document using the resource.
Example 21-6 Accessing XML Documents Using Resource and Namespace Prefixes
SELECT des.description FROM RESOURCE_VIEW rv, XMLTable(XMLNAMESPACES ('' AS "r"), '/r:Resource/r:Contents/PurchaseOrder/LineItems/LineItem' PASSING rv.RES COLUMNS description VARCHAR2(256) PATH 'Description') des WHERE equals_path(rv.RES, '/home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Mar/SBELL-2002100912333601PDT.xml') = 1; DES.DESCRIPTION --------------------------------- A Night to Remember The Unbearable Lightness Of Being The Wizard of Oz 3 rows selected.
In Example 21-6, the namespace prefix, r
identifies which nodes in the XPath expression are members of the resource namespace. Namespace prefix r
is defined using the XMLNAMESPACES
clause of SQL/XML function XMLTable
. The namespace declaration is needed here because the purchase-order XML schema does not define a namespace, and it is not possible to apply a namespace prefix to nodes in the PurchaseOrder
See Also:
Chapter 4, "XQuery and Oracle XML DB" for more information about theXMLNAMESPACES
clause of XMLTable
The content of a schema-based XML document can be accessed in two ways.
In the same manner as for non-schema-based XML documents, by using the resource document. This lets RESOURCE_VIEW
be used to query different types of schema-based XML documents with a single SQL statement.
As a row in the default table that was defined when the XML schema was registered with Oracle XML DB.
The XMLRef
element in the resource document provides the join key required when a SQL statement needs to access or update metadata and content as part of a single operation.
The following queries use joins based on the value of element XMLRef
to access resource content.
Example 21-7 locates a row in the defaultTable
based on a path in Oracle XML DB Repository. SQL function ref
locates the target row in the default table, based on the value of the XMLRef
element in the resource document, RES
Example 21-7 Querying Repository Resource Data Using SQL Function REF and Element XMLRef
SELECT des.description FROM RESOURCE_VIEW rv, purchaseorder p, XMLTable('$p/PurchaseOrder/LineItems/LineItem' PASSING p.OBJECT_VALUE AS "p" COLUMNS description VARCHAR2(256) PATH 'Description') des WHERE equals_path(rv.RES, '/home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Mar/SBELL-2002100912333601PDT.xml') = 1 AND ref(p) = XMLCast(XMLQuery('declare default element namespace ""; (: :) fn:data(/Resource/XMLRef)' PASSING rv.RES RETURNING CONTENT) AS REF XMLType); DES.DESCRIPTION --------------------------------- A Night to Remember The Unbearable Lightness Of Being The Wizard of Oz 3 rows selected.
Example 21-8 shows how to select fragments from XML documents based on metadata, path, and content. The query returns the value of element Reference
for documents under /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Mar
that contain orders for part number 715515009058.
Example 21-8 Selecting XML Document Fragments Based on Metadata, Path, and Content
SELECT XMLCast(XMLQuery('$p/PurchaseOrder/Reference' PASSING po.OBJECT_VALUE AS "p" RETURNING CONTENT) AS VARCHAR2(30)) FROM RESOURCE_VIEW rv, purchaseorder po WHERE under_path(rv.RES, '/home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Mar') = 1 AND ref(po) = XMLCast( XMLQuery('declare default element namespace ""; (: :) fn:data(/Resource/XMLRef)' PASSING rv.RES RETURNING CONTENT) AS REF XMLType) AND XMLExists('$p/PurchaseOrder/LineItems/LineItem/Part[@Id="715515009058"]' PASSING po.OBJECT_VALUE AS "p"); XMLCAST(XMLQUERY('$P/PURCHASEO ------------------------------ CJOHNSON-20021009123335851PDT LSMITH-2002100912333661PDT SBELL-2002100912333601PDT 3 rows selected.
In general, when accessing the content of schema-based XML documents, joining RESOURCE_VIEW
with the default table is more efficient than using RESOURCE_VIEW
on its own. An explicit join between the resource document and the default table tells Oracle XML DB that the SQL statement works on only one type of XML document. XPath rewrite can thus be used to optimize operations on the default table and the resource.
You can update the content of documents stored in Oracle XML DB Repository using protocols or SQL.
The most popular content authoring tools support HTTP, FTP, and WebDAV protocols. These tools can use a URL and the HTTP verb get
to access the content of a document, and the HTTP verb put
to save the contents of a document. Hence, given the appropriate access permissions, a simple URL is all you need to access and edit content stored in Oracle XML DB Repository.
Figure 21-6 shows how, with the WebDAV support included in Microsoft Word, you can use Microsoft Word to update and edit a document stored in Oracle XML DB Repository.
Figure 21-6 Updating and Editing Content Stored in Oracle XML DB Using Microsoft Word
When an editing application such as Microsoft Word updates an XML document that is stored in Oracle XML DB, the database receives an input stream containing the new content of the document. Unfortunately, applications such as Word do not provide Oracle XML DB with any way of identifying which changes have taken place in the document.Partial updates are thus impossible. It is necessary to parse the entire document again, replacing all of the objects derived from the original document with objects derived from the new content.
You can use XQuery Update to update the content of any document stored in Oracle XML DB Repository. The content of the document can be modified by updating the resource document or by updating the default table that holds the content of the document.
Example 21-9 shows how to update the contents of a simple text document using a SQL UPDATE
statement and SQL function XMLQuery
with XQuery Update. An XQuery expression is passed to XMLQuery
as the target of the update operation, identifying the text node belonging to element /Resource/Contents/text
Example 21-9 Updating a Document Using UPDATE and XQuery Update on the Resource
DECLARE file BFILE; contents CLOB; dest_offset NUMBER := 1; src_offset NUMBER := 1; lang_context NUMBER := 0; conv_warning NUMBER := 0; BEGIN file := bfilename('XMLDIR', 'tdadxdb-03-02.txt'); DBMS_LOB.createTemporary(contents, true, DBMS_LOB.SESSION); DBMS_LOB.fileopen(file, DBMS_LOB.file_readonly); DBMS_LOB.loadClobfromFile(contents, file, DBMS_LOB.getLength(file), dest_offset, src_offset, nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8'), lang_context, conv_warning); DBMS_LOB.fileclose(file); UPDATE RESOURCE_VIEW SET RES = XMLQuery('declare default element namespace ""; (: :) copy $i := $p1 modify (for $j in $i/Resource/Contents/text return replace value of node $j with $p2) return $i' PASSING RES AS "p1", CONTENTS AS "p2" RETURNING CONTENT) WHERE equals_path(res, '/home/QUINE/NurseryRhyme.txt') = 1; DBMS_LOB.freeTemporary(contents); END; /
This technique for updating the content of a document by updating the associated resource has the advantage that it can be used to update any kind of document stored in Oracle XML DB Repository.
Example 21-10 shows how to update a node in an XML document by performing an update on the resource document. Here, XQuery Update is used to change the value of the text node associated with element User
Example 21-10 Updating a Node Using UPDATE and XQuery Update
UPDATE RESOURCE_VIEW SET RES = XMLQuery('declare namespace r=""; copy $i := $p1 modify (for $j in $i/r:Resource/r:Contents/PurchaseOrder/User return replace value of node $j with $p2) return $i' PASSING RES AS "p1", 'SKING' AS "p2" RETURNING CONTENT) WHERE equals_path(res, '/home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Mar/SBELL-2002100912333601PDT.xml') = 1; 1 row updated. SELECT XMLCast(XMLQuery( 'declare namespace ns=""; (: :) $r/ns:Resource/ns:Contents/PurchaseOrder/User/text()' PASSING RES AS "r" RETURNING CONTENT) AS VARCHAR2(32)) FROM RESOURCE_VIEW WHERE equals_path(RES, '/home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Mar/SBELL-2002100912333601PDT.xml') = 1; XMLCAST(XMLQUERY('DECLARENAMESPA -------------------------------- SKING 1 row selected.
You can update XML schema-based XML documents by performing the update operation directly on the default table that is used to manage the content of the document. If the document must be located by a WHERE
clause that includes a path or conditions based on metadata, then the UPDATE
statement must use a join between the resource and the default table.
In general, when updating the contents of XML schema-based XML documents, joining the RESOURCE_VIEW
with the default table is more efficient than using the RESOURCE_VIEW
on its own. The explicit join between the resource document and the default table tells Oracle XML DB that the SQL statement works on only one type of XML document. This lets a partial update be used on the default table and resource.
In Example 21-11, XQuery Update is used on the default table, with the target row identified by a path. The row to be updated is identified by a REF
. The REF
is identified by a repository path using SQL function equals_path
. This limits the update to the row corresponding to the resource identified by the specified path.
Example 21-11 Updating XML Schema-Based Documents in the Repository
UPDATE purchaseorder p SET p.OBJECT_VALUE = XMLQuery('copy $i := $p1 modify (for $j in $i/PurchaseOrder/User return replace value of node $j with $p2) return $i' PASSING p.OBJECT_VALUE AS "p1", 'SBELL' AS "p2" RETURNING CONTENT) WHERE ref(p) = (SELECT XMLCast(XMLQuery('declare default element namespace ""; (: :) fn:data(/Resource/XMLRef)' PASSING rv.RES RETURNING CONTENT) AS REF XMLType) FROM RESOURCE_VIEW rv WHERE equals_path(rv.RES, '/home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Mar/SBELL-2002100912333601PDT.xml') = 1); SELECT XMLCast(XMLQuery('$p/PurchaseOrder/User/text()' PASSING p.OBJECT_VALUE AS "p" RETURNING CONTENT) AS VARCHAR2(32)) FROM purchaseorder p, RESOURCE_VIEW rv WHERE ref(p) = XMLCast(XMLQuery('declare default element namespace ""; (: :) fn:data(/Resource/XMLRef)' PASSING rv.RES RETURNING CONTENT) AS REF XMLType) AND equals_path(rv.RES, '/home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Mar/SBELL-2002100912333601PDT.xml') = 1; XMLCAST(XMLQUERY('$P/PURCHASEO ------------------------------ SBELL
Oracle XML DB provides two SQL functions, equals_path
and under_path
, that can be used to perform folder-restricted queries. Such queries limit SQL statements that operate on the RESOURCE_VIEW
to documents that are at a particular location in Oracle XML DB folder hierarchy. Function equals_path
restricts the statement to a single document identified by the specified path. Function under_path
restricts the statement to those documents that exist beneath a certain point in the hierarchy.
The following examples demonstrate simple folder-restricted queries against resource documents stored in RESOURCE_VIEW
The query in Example 21-12 uses SQL function equals_path
to access a resource. The resource queried is that which results from the update operation of Example 21-9: the original resource text shown in Example 21-4 and Example 21-5 has been replaced by a different nursery rhyme, "Hickory Dickory Dock..."
Example 21-12 Accessing Resources Using EQUALS_PATH and RESOURCE_VIEW
SELECT XMLSerialize(DOCUMENT r.res AS CLOB) FROM RESOURCE_VIEW r WHERE equals_path(res, '/home/QUINE/NurseryRhyme.txt') = 1; XMLSERIALIZE(DOCUMENTR.RESASCLOB) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Resource xmlns="" Hidden="false" Invalid="false" Container="false" CustomRslv="false" VersionHistory="false" StickyRef="true"> <CreationDate>2005-06-13T13:19:20.566623</CreationDate> <ModificationDate>2005-06-13T13:19:22.997831</ModificationDate> <DisplayName>NurseryRhyme.txt</DisplayName> <Language>en-US</Language> <CharacterSet>UTF-8</CharacterSet> <ContentType>text/plain</ContentType> <RefCount>1</RefCount> <ACL> <acl description= "Private:All privileges to OWNER only and not accessible to others" xmlns="" xmlns:dav="DAV:" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" shared="true"> <ace> <grant>true</grant> <principal>dav:owner</principal> <privilege> <all/> </privilege> </ace> </acl> </ACL> <Owner>QUINE</Owner> <Creator>QUINE</Creator> <LastModifier>QUINE</LastModifier> <SchemaElement></SchemaElement> <Contents> <text>Hickory Dickory Dock The Mouse ran up the clock The clock struck one The Mouse ran down Hickory Dickory Dock </text> </Contents> </Resource> 1 row selected.
As Example 21-12 shows, a resource document is an XML document that captures the set of metadata defined by the DAV standard. The metadata includes information such as CreationDate
, Creator
, Owner
, ModificationDate
, and DisplayName
. The content of the resource document can be queried and updated just like any other XML document, using SQL/XML access and query functions.
The query in Example 21-13 finds a path to each of the XSL stylesheets stored in Oracle XML DB Repository. It performs a search based on the DisplayName
ending in .xsl
Example 21-13 Determining the Path to XSLT Stylesheets Stored in the Repository
SELECT ANY_PATH FROM RESOURCE_VIEW WHERE XMLCast(XMLQuery( 'declare namespace ns=""; (: :) $r/ns:Resource/ns:DisplayName' PASSING RES AS "r" RETURNING CONTENT) AS VARCHAR2(100)) LIKE '%.xsl'; ANY_PATH ------------------------------------------- /home/MDSYS/epsg/sdoepsggrid2nadcon.xsl /home/MDSYS/epsg/sdoepsggrid2ntv2/xsl /source/schemas/poSource/xsl/empdept.xsl /source/schemas/poSource/xsl/purchaseOrder.xsl 4 rows selected.
The query in Example 21-14 counts the number of resources (files and folders) under the path /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders
rather than PATH_VIEW
ensures that any resources that are the target of multiple links are only counted once. SQL function under_path
restricts the result set to documents that can be accessed using a path that starts from /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders
Example 21-14 Counting Resources Under a Path
SELECT count(*) FROM RESOURCE_VIEW WHERE under_path(RES, '/home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders') = 1; COUNT(*) ---------- 145 1 row selected.
The query in Example 21-15 lists the contents of the folder identified by path /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr
. This is effectively a directory listing of the folder.
Example 21-15 Listing the Folder Contents in a Path
SELECT PATH FROM PATH_VIEW WHERE under_path(RES, '/home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr') = 1; PATH ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr/AMCEWEN-20021009123336171PDT.xml /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr/AMCEWEN-20021009123336271PDT.xml /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr/EABEL-20021009123336251PDT.xml /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr/PTUCKER-20021009123336191PDT.xml /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr/PTUCKER-20021009123336291PDT.xml /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr/SBELL-20021009123336231PDT.xml /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr/SBELL-20021009123336331PDT.xml /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr/SKING-20021009123336321PDT.xml /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr/SMCCAIN-20021009123336151PDT.xml /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr/SMCCAIN-20021009123336341PDT.xml /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr/VJONES-20021009123336301PDT.xml 11 rows selected.
The query in Example 21-16 lists the set of links contained in the folder identified by the path /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr
where the DisplayName
element in the associated resource starts with S
Example 21-16 Listing the Links Contained in a Folder
SELECT PATH FROM PATH_VIEW WHERE XMLCast(XMLQuery( 'declare namespace ns=""; (: :) $r/ns:Resource/ns:DisplayName' PASSING RES AS "r" RETURNING CONTENT) AS VARCHAR2(100)) LIKE 'S%' AND under_path(RES, '/home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr') = 1; PATH ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr/SBELL-20021009123336231PDT.xml /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr/SBELL-20021009123336331PDT.xml /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr/SKING-20021009123336321PDT.xml /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr/SMCCAIN-20021009123336151PDT.xml /home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr/SMCCAIN-20021009123336341PDT.xml 5 rows selected.
The query in Example 21-17 finds a path to each resource in Oracle XML DB Repository that contains a PurchaseOrder
document. The documents are identified based on the metadata property SchemaElement
that identifies the XML schema URL and global element for schema-based XML data stored in the repository.
Example 21-17 Finding Paths to Resources that Contain Purchase-Order XML Documents
SELECT ANY_PATH FROM RESOURCE_VIEW WHERE XMLExists( 'declare namespace ns=""; (: :) $r/ns:Resource[ns:SchemaElement= "http://localhost:8080/source/schemas/poSource/xsd/purchaseOrder.xsd#PurchaseOrder"]' PASSING RES AS "r");
The query returns the following paths, each of which contains a PurchaseOrder
132 rows selected.
In a conventional relational database, path-based access and folder-restricted queries are implemented using CONNECT BY
operations. Such queries are expensive, so path-based access and folder-restricted queries would become inefficient as the number of documents and depth of the folder hierarchy increase.
To address this issue, Oracle XML DB introduces a new index type, the hierarchical repository index. This lets the database resolve folder-restricted queries without relying on a CONNECT BY
operation. Because of this, Oracle XML DB can execute path-based and folder-restricted queries efficiently. The hierarchical repository index is implemented as an Oracle domain index. This is the same technique used to add Oracle Text indexing support and many other advanced index types to the database.
Example 21-18 shows the execution plan output generated for a folder-restricted query. As shown, the hierarchical repository index XDBHI_IDX
is used to resolve the query.
Example 21-18 Execution Plan Output for a Folder-Restricted Query
'declare namespace ns=""; (: :)
AND under_path(RES, '/home/QUINE/PurchaseOrders/2002/Apr') = 1;
Plan hash value: 2568289845
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 17 | 3111 | 34 (6)| 00:00:01 |
| 1 | NESTED LOOPS | | 17 | 3111 | 34 (6)| 00:00:01 |
| 2 | NESTED LOOPS | | 17 | 2822 | 34 (6)| 00:00:01 |
| 3 | NESTED LOOPS | | 466 | 63842 | 34 (6)| 00:00:01 |
|* 4 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | XDB$RESOURCE | 1 | 135 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 5 | DOMAIN INDEX | XDBHI_IDX | | | | |
|* 7 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | XDB_PK_H_LINK | 1 | 28 | 0 (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 8 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | SYS_C003900 | 1 | 17 | 0 (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
4 - filter(CAST("P"."SYS_NC00011$" AS VARCHAR2(100)) LIKE 'S%')
5 - access("XDB"."UNDER_PATH"(SYS_MAKEXML('8758D485E6004793E034080020B242C6',734,"XMLEXTRA"
7 - access("H"."PARENT_OID"=SYS_OP_ATG(VALUE(KOKBF$),3,4,2) AND
8 - access("R2"."SYS_NC_OID$"=SYS_OP_ATG(VALUE(KOKBF$),3,4,2))
25 rows selected.
Footnote Legend
Footnote 1: The graph is established by the hard links that define the repository structure, and cycles are not permitted using hard links. You can, however, introduce cycles using weak links. See "Hard Links and Weak Links"./dbfs
gives you protocol access to your DBFS content. See Oracle Database SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide for information about DBFS.