1.2 About the Manage Service Page

Description of wkspc_mg_service.gif follows
Description of the illustration wkspc_mg_service.gif

You can use the Manage Service page to manage service requests, configure workspace preferences, edit workspace announcements, and view workspace utilization reports. Additionally, use the links on the Manage Meta Data list to manage log files, session state, page and region caching, application build status, application models, and view the Workspace Utilization report.

The Manage Service page contains the following icons:

About Manage Meta Data

The Manage Meta Data list displays on the right side of the page and displays the following links:

About Dashboards

The Dashboards link displays links to specific dashboards. See "Viewing Workspace Dashboards".


1.2.1 Accessing the Manage Service Page

To access the Manage Service page:

  1. Log in to Oracle Application Express. See "Logging In To Oracle Application Express" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide.

    The Workspace home page appears.

  2. Click the Administration icon.

    The Administration page appears.

  3. Click Manage Service.

    The Manage Service page appears.

1.2.2 Managing Interactive Report Settings

Interactive reports include components that enable users to alter the layout of report data. Users can then save the report or receive updated versions of a report by subscribing to it. To learn more, see "Customizing Interactive Reports" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide.

Topics: Managing Saved Interactive Reports

Both developers and end users can save interactive reports. However, only a developer can save the report that initially displays (called the Primary Default) or create an Alternative report.

There are four types of saved interactive reports:

  • Primary Default (Developer Only). This is the report that initially displays. Primary Default reports cannot be renamed or deleted.

  • Alternative Report (Developer Only). Enables developers to create multiple report layouts. Only developers can save, rename, or delete an Alternative Report.

  • Public Report (End user). Can be saved, renamed, or deleted by the end user who created it. Other users can view and save the layout as another report.

  • Private Report (End user). Only the end user that created the report can view, save, rename, or delete the report.

Workspace administrators can view and manage these reports on the Saved Reports page.

To manage saved interactive reports:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.

  2. Click the Administration icon.

    The Administration page appears.

  3. From the Tasks list, click Manage Interactive Report Settings.

    The Manage Interactive Report Settings page appears.

  4. Click Saved Reports.

    The Saved Reports page appears.

    You can customize the appearance of the page using the Search bar at the top of the page. See "Customizing Interactive Reports" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide.

  5. To link to an application, page or region, click the appropriate hyperlink.

  6. To delete a report:

    1. Select the report to be removed.

    2. Click Delete Checked. Managing Interactive Report Subscriptions

End users can receive updated versions of a report by subscribing to it. Workspace administrators can view and manage these subscriptions on the Subscriptions page.

To manage interactive report subscriptions:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.

  2. Click the Administration icon.

    The Administration page appears.

  3. From the Tasks list, click Manage Interactive Report Settings.

    The Manage Interactive Report Settings page appears.

  4. Click Subscriptions.

    The Subscriptions page appears.

    You can customize the appearance of the page using the Search bar at the top of the page. See "Customizing Interactive Reports" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide.

  5. To link to an application, page or region, click the appropriate hyperlink.

  6. To delete a subscription:

    1. Select the subscription to be removed.

    2. Click Delete Checked.