1 Introduction to Oracle Advanced Security

Two features comprise Oracle Advanced Security: Transparent Data Encryption and Oracle Data Redaction.


Transparent Data Encryption

Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) enables you to encrypt data so that only an authorized recipient can read it.

Use encryption to protect sensitive data in a potentially unprotected environment, such as data you placed on backup media that is sent to an off-site storage location. You can encrypt individual columns in a database table, or you can encrypt an entire tablespace.

To use Transparent Data Encryption, you do not need to modify your applications. TDE enables your applications to continue working seamlessly as before. It automatically encrypts data when it is written to disk, and then automatically decrypts the data when your applications access it. Key management is built-in, eliminating the complex task of managing and securing encryption keys.

Using Transparent Data Encryption discusses Transparent Data Encryption.

Oracle Data Redaction

Oracle Data Redaction enables you to redact (mask) column data, using full redaction, partial redaction, regular expressions, and random redaction. You can create policies that perform no redaction as well, for testing purposes.

The types of redaction that you can perform are as follows:

  • Full redaction. You redact all of the contents of the column data. The redacted value that is returned to the querying user depends on the data type of the column. For example, columns of the NUMBER data type are redacted with a zero (0) and character data types are redacted with a blank space.

  • Partial redaction. You redact a portion of the column data. For example, you can redact most of a Social Security number with asterisks (*), except for the last 4 digits.

  • Regular expressions. You can use regular expressions in both full and partial redaction. This enables you to redact data based on a search pattern for the data. For example, you can use regular expressions to redact specific phone numbers or email addresses in your data.

  • Random redaction. The redacted data presented to the querying user appears as randomly generated values each time it is displayed, depending on the data type of the column.

  • No redaction. This option enables you to test the internal operation of your redaction policies, with no effect on the results of queries against tables with policies defined on them. You can use this option to test the redaction policy definitions before applying them to a production environment.

Data Redaction performs the redaction at runtime, that is, the moment that the user tries to view the data. This functionality is ideally suited for dynamic production systems in which data constantly changes. While the data is being redacted, Oracle Database is able to process all of the data normally and to preserve the back-end referential integrity constraints. Data redaction can help you to comply with industry regulations such as Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Using Oracle Data Redaction discusses Oracle Data Redaction.