Creating an Oracle ACFS File System for Database Use

To create an Oracle ACFS file system for database use, you can select the Create ACFS for Database Use from the disk group configuration options menu, as shown in Figure 9-4. A dialog displays as shown in Figure 14-7.


When creating an Oracle ADVM volume for an Oracle ACFS file system that is intended to store database files, use the ASMCMD volcreate command or the SQL ALTER DISKGROUP ADD VOLUME SQL statement rather than the ASMCA tool to ensure that the column striping is set to 1. For information about the volcreate command, refer to "volcreate". For information about the ALTER DISKGROUP ADD VOLUME statement, refer to "Managing Oracle ADVM Volumes in a Disk Group".

In this dialog, you must enter:

  • Database Home Volume Name

    This is the name of the Oracle ADVM volume you want to create. For information about Oracle ADVM volumes, refer to "Overview of Oracle ASM Dynamic Volume Manager" and "volcreate".

  • Database Home Mount Point

    This is the mount point for the file system where you want to install the database home. The file system that contains the database home should not be located under the Oracle Grid Infrastructure base (ORACLE_BASE for grid) directory. For information about mount points and database homes, see "About Oracle ACFS and Oracle Database Homes".

  • Database Home Size in gigabytes (GB)

    The default is 7 GB and the minimum recommended size.

  • Database Home Owner Name

    This is the operating system name of the user that installs the database and owns the software in the database home.

  • Database Home Owner Group

    This is the operating system group of the owner of the database home.

The mount point must be an existing directory. The file system must be mounted to make it available. The mount command must be manually run as root or the Windows Administrator at an operating system prompt. For information about mounting an Oracle ACFS file system, see "mount" for Linux or "acfsmountvol" for Windows.

For information on the mount registry, see "About the Oracle ACFS Mount Registry".

Figure 14-7 Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant Create Oracle ACFS for Database Use Dialog

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Description of "Figure 14-7 Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant Create Oracle ACFS for Database Use Dialog"