acfsutil rmfs


Removes an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil rmfs -h
acfsutil rmfs device
acfsutil rmfs device -b

acfsutil rmfs -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-95 contains the options available with the acfsutil rmfs command.

Table 16-95 Options for the acfsutil rmfs command

Option Description


Specifies an Oracle ACFS device file that has been formatted.


Specifies batch mode. No user interaction is required.

You can use acfsutil rmfs to remove an Oracle ACFS that is dismounted. When the command is run, the superblock of the file system is disabled. root or asmadmin privileges are required to run this command. For information about operating system group privileges, see "About Privileges for Oracle ASM".

After acfsutil rmfs runs successfully, the MOUNTPATH and USAGE columns in the V$ASM_VOLUME view are cleared for the device. The removed Oracle ACFS can be restored using fsck or acfschkdsk. The device can be reformatted with a new Oracle ACFS using the mkfs or acfsformat commands.


The following example shows the use of acfsutil rmfs to remove the specified volume device file and associated file system.

Example 16-89 Using the acfsutil rmfs command

$ /sbin/acfsutil rmfs /dev/asm/volume1-123