acfsutil registry


Adds, deletes, or displays entries in the Oracle ACFS mount registry.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil registry -h
acfsutil registry
acfsutil registry -a [-f] [-o moptions] [-n { nodes|all } ]
           [-u user] [-t description] device mount_point
acfsutil registry -c  {device | mount_point} [-o moptions]
           [-n { nodes|all } ] [-u user] [-t description]
acfsutil registry -d {device | mount_point}
acfsutil registry -l [device | mount_point]
acfsutil registry -m deviceacfsutil registry -r

acfsutil registry -h displays help text and exits.

If no options are specified, the command displays all the Oracle ACFS file systems that are configured for automatic start.

Table 16-94 contains the options available with the acfsutil registry command.

Table 16-94 Options for the acfsutil registry command

Option Description


Add the device, mount point, and associated moptions to the Oracle ACFS mount registry. The Oracle ADVM volume device specified must exist on the local node to add the information to the mount registry.

The arguments represent all the information needed to mount the file system. At Oracle ACFS startup time these file systems are automatically mounted.

Duplicate device entries are not allowed. Duplicate mount points are allowed but must be include the -n option for disjoint node-specific mounts.


Changes an existing registry entry for the specified device or mount point.


Deletes the specified device or mount point from the Oracle ACFS mount registry. If a mount point is specified and it is not unique in the Oracle ACFS mount registry, the command fails and you must run the command again specifying the device.


This option is used in combination with -a when the specified device might exist in the registry and the administrator wants to replace the registration.

-l [device | mount_point]

Without specifying a device or mount point, the -l option lists all the file systems currently in the registry on a single line, with fields separated by a colon (:). With a device specified, lists information about the device in the Oracle ACFS registry. With a mount point specified, lists information about the mount point in the Oracle ACFS registry.

-m device

Lists the registered mount point, if one exists, associated with the specified device. The mount point is only returned if the Oracle ACFS file system has been registered or has been previously mounted.

-n { nodes | all}

This option, used in combination with -a and -c, specifies an optional comma-delimited list of nodes, or the all keyword. This specifies which nodes should attempt to mount this device on the specified mount point. Host names should be specified. The all keyword is functionally equivalent to not specifying a list of nodes and indicates that the device should be mounted on all nodes. Mounting on all nodes is the default behavior.

-o moptions

Specifies the mount options for use when mounting the file system. Valid for Linux, Solaris, and AIX. Used in combination with -a and -c. For specific -o moptions, refer to the mount command for each operating system. All the options for each operating system are available except the all option.


Displays all registered file systems, not just file systems with auto_start=always.

-t description

Adds a description of the mount. Used in combination with -a and -c. For example: -t "HR Exports share". This description can be seen later when looking at configured resources.

-u user

Specifies a user that is allowed to mount or umount (start and stop) the file system. This option, used in combination with -a and -c, is useful for creating a registered file system that can be started or stopped by someone other than root.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.


Specifies an Oracle ACFS device file that has been formatted.

acfsutil registry adds, deletes, or displays a file system from the Oracle ACFS persistent mount registry. The mount registry is a global registry that is used at Oracle ACFS startup on each node to mount all file systems specified in it. root or asmadmin privileges are required to modify the registry. For information about operating system group privileges, see "About Privileges for Oracle ASM".

Any user is allowed to display the contents of the registry. To mount all the file systems in the Oracle ACFS mount registry, use the platform specific mount command with the all option. This is done automatically at Oracle ACFS startup on each node.


Oracle ACFS registration (acfsutil registry) is not supported in an Oracle Restart (standalone) configuration, which is a single-instance (non-clustered) environment.

See "About the Oracle ACFS Mount Registry".


The following examples show the use of acfsutil registry. The first example shows how to add the volume device file and file system mount point to the registry. The second example shows how to list the registered mount point associated with the specified volume device file. The third example shows how to delete the specified volume device file from the registry.

Example 16-88 Using the acfsutil registry command

$ /sbin/acfsutil registry -a /dev/asm/volume1-123 /acfsmounts/acfs1

$ /sbin/acfsutil registry -m /dev/asm/volume1-123

$ /sbin/acfsutil registry -d /dev/asm/volume1-123