Oracle ACFS Tagging Generic Application Programming Interface

Oracle ACFS tagging operations are supported through a common operating system (OS) independent file tag (C library) application programming interface (API).

An Oracle ACFS tagging API demonstration utility is provided. The demo provides instructions to build the utility with a makefile on each supported platform.

On Solaris, Oracle ACFS tagging APIs can set tag names on symbolic link files, but backup and restore utilities do not save the tag names that are explicitly set on the symbolic link files. Also, symbolic link files lose explicitly set tag names if they have been moved, copied, tarred, or paxed.

The following files are included:

  • $ORACLE_HOME/usm/public/acfslib.h

  • $ORACLE_HOME/usm/demo/acfstagsdemo.c

  • $ORACLE_HOME/usm/demo/Makefile

    Linux, Solaris, or AIX makefile for creating the demo utility.


    Windows demo utility MAKEFILE (for use by the nmake utility) to create the demo utility.

The topics contained in this section are: