

The acfsplugin application programming interface (API) sends and receives messages to and from the local plug-in enabled Oracle ACFS driver from the application plug-in module.


sb8 acfsplugin_metrics(ub4 metric_type,
  ub1 *metrics,
  ub4 metric_buf_len,
  oratext *mountp );


The Oracle ACFS plug-in API is used by an Oracle ACFS application plug-in module to retrieve metrics from the Oracle ACFS driver. The Oracle ACFS driver must first be enabled for plug-in communication using the acfsutil plugin enable command. The selected application plug-in metric type model must match the plug-in configuration defined with the Oracle ACFS plug-in enable command. For information about the acfsutil plugin enable command, refer to "acfsutil plugin enable". The application must provide a buffer large enough to store the metric structures described in "Oracle ACFS Pre-defined Metric Types".

If the provided buffer is NULL and metric_buf_len = 0, the return value is the size required to hold all the currently collected metrics. The application can first query Oracle ACFS to see how big a buffer is required, then allocate a buffer of the necessary size to pass back to Oracle ACFS.

The mount path must be provided to the API to identify the plug-in enabled Oracle ACFS file system that is being referenced.

A nonnegative value is returned for success: 0 for success with no more metrics to collect, 1 to indicate that more metrics are available, or 2 to indicate that no new metrics were collected during the interval. In the case of an error, a negative value is returned and errno is set on Linux environments or SetLastError is called on Windows.

System administrator or Oracle ASM administrator privileges are required to send and receive messages to and from the plug-in enabled Oracle ACFS file system driver.

Writing Applications

To use the plugin API, applications must include the C header file acfslib.h which defines the API functions and structures.

#include <acfslib.h>

When building the application executable, the application must be linked with the acfs12 library. Check the platform-specific documentation for information about environment variables that must be defined. For example:


Then when linking, add the -lacfs12 flag.


In Example 18-1, the command enables an Oracle ACFS file system mounted on /humanresources for the plug-in service.

Example 18-1 Application Plug-in for Storage Visibility: Poll Model

$ /sbin/acfsutil plugin enable -m acfsmetric1 -t HRDATA /humanresources

With this command, the application plug-in polls the Oracle ACFS plug-in enabled driver for summary metrics associated with files tagged with HRDATA. The application code includes the following:

#include <acfslib.h>
/* allocate message buffers */
ACFS_METRIC1 *metrics = malloc (sizeof(ACFS_METRIC1));
/* poll for metric1 data */
while (condition) {
  /* read next summary message from ACFS driver */
   if ((rc = acfsplugin_metrics(ACFS_METRIC_TYPE1,(ub1*)metrics,sizeof(*metrics),
        mountp)) < 0) {
        perror("….Receive failure … ");
   /* print message data */
   printf ("reads %8llu ", metrics->acfs_nreads);
   printf("writes %8llu ", metrics->acfs_nwrites);
   printf("avg read size %8u ", metrics->acfs_avgrsize);
   printf("avg write size %8u ", metrics->acfs_avgwsize);
   printf("min read size %8u ", metrics->acfs_minrsize);
   printf("max read size %8u ", metrics->acfs_maxrsize);
   sleep (timebeforenextpoll);

In Example 18-2, the command enables an Oracle ACFS file system mounted on /humanresources for the plug-in service.

Example 18-2 Application Plug-in for File Content: Post Model

$ /sbin/acfsutil plugin enable -m acfsmetric1 -t HRDATA -i 5m /humanresources

With this command, every 5 minutes the Oracle ACFS plug-in enabled driver posts file content metrics associated with files tagged with HRDATA. In the application code, the call to acfsplugin_metrics() is blocked until the metrics are posted. The application code includes the following:

#include <acfslib.h>
 ACFS_METRIC1 *metrics = malloc (sizeof(ACFS_METRIC1));
 /* Wait for metric Data */
  while (condition) {
    /* Wait for next file content posting from ACFS driver */
    /* A return code of 1 indicates that more metrics are available
    * in the current set of metrics.
    while( rc == ACFS_PLUGIN_MORE_AVAIL) {
      /* This call blocks until metrics are available. */
      rc = acfsplugin_metrics(ACFS_METRIC_TYPE1,(ub1*)metrics,sizeof(*metrics),
      if (rc < 0) {
        perror("….Receive failure … ");
      } else if (rc == ACFS_PLUGIN_NO_NEW_METRICS) {
        printf("No new metrics available.");
     if (last_seqno != metrics->acfs_seqno-1 ) {
       printf("Warning: Unable to keep up with metrics collection.");
       printf("Missed %d sets of posted metrics.",

      /* print message data */ 
      printf ("reads %8llu ", metrics->acfs_nreads);
      printf("writes %8llu ", metrics->acfs_nwrites);
      printf("avg read size %8u ", metrics->acfs_avgrsize);
      printf("avg write size %8u ", metrics->acfs_avgwsize);
      printf("min read size %8u ", metrics->acfs_minrsize);
      printf("max read size %8u ", metrics->acfs_maxrsize);
      last_seqno = metrics->acfs_seqno;