advmutil canonical


advmutil canonical displays the canonical name of the specified Oracle ADVM device name.

Syntax and Description

advmutil -h
advmutil canonical volume_device

advmutil -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-102 contains the options available with the advmutil canonical command.

Table 16-102 Options for the advmutil canonical command

Option Description


Specifies a string identifying an Oracle ADVM volume device.

There are several different formats that can identify an Oracle ADVM volume device, but a normalized, unambiguous (canonical) name should be used when the volume device name is used with other commands such as SRVCTL.

For example, on the Windows operating system you can use the following prefixes with a volume device name: \\.\, \??\, \\?\

The advmutil canonical command would return the canonical name that another utility would recognize without having to strip off extra characters. The command would most likely be used in a script.


The following examples show the use of advmutil canonical on a Windows operating system. For each example, the command returns the canonical name of the volume device.

Example 16-98 Using advmutil canonical

[C:\]advmutil canonical asm-volume1-274
[C:\]advmutil canonical \\.\asm-volume1-274
[C:\]advmutil canonical \\?\asm-volume1-274
[C:\]advmutil canonical \??\asm-volume1-274