advmutil tune


advmutil tune displays the value of a specific Oracle ADVM parameter or sets the value of a specific Oracle ADVM parameter.

Syntax and Description

advmutil -h
advmutil tune parameter [= value]

advmutil -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-103 contains the options available with the advmutil tune command.

Table 16-103 Options for the advmutil tune command

Option Description


Specifies the parameter for which you want to set or display the value.


Optional value provided to set the value of the specified parameter.

If a value is not provided, the advmutil tune command displays the value that is currently assigned to the specified parameter.

The parameter that can be specified with advmutil tune is the maximum time in minutes for the deadlock timer (deadlock_timer).

You must be a privileged user to set a parameter.


The deadlock_timer parameter should only be set by Oracle Support Services.


The first example changes the maximum time in minutes for the deadlock timer. The second example queries the current setting of a parameter.

Example 16-99 Using advmutil tune

$ /sbin/advmutil tune deadlock_timer = 20

$ /sbin/advmutil tune deadlock_timer
  deadlock_timer = 20 (0x14)