Importing a Replay External to Enterprise Manager

As with importing workloads external to Enterprise Manager, you can import Replays into Enterprise Manager to manage them. To import a Replay, you import it from a Replay task, which can contain one or more workloads and one or more Replays. The Replay task is at the top of the database Replay hierarchy, and serves as the container for these other subordinate components.

A Replay to be imported can be running in the test database, or the Replay can be completed and the replay directory stored on a file system.

This feature is available for Cloud Control Database plug-in and later releases.

To import a Replay external to Enterprise Manager:

  1. From the Database Replay page, click the Replay Tasks tab, then select the desired Replay task.

    The Replay Task page appears.

  2. Click Import in the Replays section.

    The Import Replay: Source page appears

  3. Select one of the three choices available to import a Replay, then click Next.

    • Import one or more completed Replays from a directory in the file system

      This option typically applies for a Replay created using an API, in which you now want to import it to Enterprise Manager for subsequent processing. In this case, Enterprise Manager may not be necessarily managing the Replay database.

    • Import one or more completed Replays from a database target

      In this case, Enterprise Manager is probably already managing the Replay database. The Replay could have been done on this database, or it could have been loaded in as would be the case for the option above.

    • Attach to a Replay of this Replay task running in a database target

      This option is similar to the option above, except this a Replay that is still in progress, rather than one that has already completed.

    The Import Replay: Database page appears.

  4. Click the search icon next to the Database Target field and select a database from the pop-up that appears.


    The target version of the database reading the Replay must be at least as high as the one you used in the Replay task. For instance, if the Replay task used Oracle Database 12x, the database you select to read the Replay must be at least version 12x.

    • The system now requests database and host credentials.

    • In the previous step, if you chose to import one or more completed Replays from a directory in the file system, the system also requires a workload location.

    • The Replay task can determine if this is a consolidated Replay based on the number of workloads contained in the Replay task. If this is a consolidated Replay, this step asks you to enter a consolidated Replay directory for the workload location.

  5. Provide the requisite input for the step above, then click Next.

    The Import Replay: Replay page appears.

    • If you chose "Import one or more completed Replays from a directory in the file system" in step 3, this page provides a Load Replay button.

    • If you chose “Import one or more completed Replays from a database target" or “Attach to a Replay of this Replay task running in a database target" in step 3, this page provides a Discover Replay button.

  6. Click either Load Replay or Discover Replay, depending on which button is available in accordance with your selection in step 3.

    The system displays one or more Replays, if found, in the Discovered Replays table.

  7. Either click Next to load the Replay, or select one or more Replays, then click Next to continue importing the Replays.

    The Import Replay: Review page appears.

  8. If everything appears as you have intended, click Submit.

    The Database Replay page reappears and displays a message stating that the job was submitted successfully. The Status column in the table for your imported Replay will show In Progress.


    You can check on the job's progress by clicking on the Replay name that you just submitted in the Review step. A Replay Summary page appears, and you can click the Database Replay Import Job link to see the progress of the job execution steps.