Using Consolidated Database Replay with Enterprise Manager

This section describes how to use Consolidated Database Replay with Enterprise Manager.

The primary tool for replaying consolidated database workloads is Oracle Enterprise Manager. If Oracle Enterprise Manager is unavailable, you can also replay consolidated database workloads using APIs, as described in "Using Consolidated Database Replay with APIs".

The process for replaying a consolidated database workload is nearly identical to that of replaying a single database workload. The differences are documented in the procedures for single replays in the following sections:

The following list provides a summary of the differences between replaying a consolidated database workload versus replaying a single database workload:

  • When creating a replay task, you need to select two or more captured workloads from the Select Captures table in the Create Task page.

  • The Preprocess Captured Workload: Copy Workload step of the wizard has more than one choice for the Capture Name drop-down, so you may need to enter multiple credentials for the current location of the workload directory.

  • The Preprocess Captured Workload: Select Directory step of the wizard does not display a Capture Summary as it does for single replays.

  • The Replay Workload: Copy Workload step of the wizard has more than one choice for the Capture Name drop-down, so you may need to enter multiple credentials for the current location of the workload directory.

  • The Replay Workload: Select Directory step of the wizard does not display a Capture Summary as it does for single replays.

  • The Replay Workload: Initialize Options step of the wizard does not display the Identify Source section.

  • The Replay Workload: Customize Options step of the wizard has more than one choice for the Capture Name drop-down in the Connection Mappings tab, so you can remap connections for each captured workload. The option to use a single connect descriptor or net service name is not available.