9 Configuring Secure Application Roles for Oracle Database Vault

Secure application roles enable you to control how much access users have to an application.


What Are Secure Application Roles in Oracle Database Vault?

In Oracle Database Vault, you can create a secure application role that you enable with an Oracle Database Vault rule set.

Regular Oracle Database secure application roles are enabled by custom PL/SQL procedures. You use secure application roles to prevent users from accessing data from outside an application. This forces users to work within the framework of the application privileges that have been granted to the role.

The advantage of basing database access for a role on a rule set is that you can store database security policies in one central place, as opposed to storing them in all your applications. Basing the role on a rule set provides a consistent and flexible method to enforce the security policies that the role provides. In this way, if you must update the security policy for the application role, you do it in one place, the rule set. Furthermore, no matter how the user connects to the database, the result is the same, because the rule set is bound to the role. All you need to do is to create the role and then associate it with a rule set. The associated rule set validates the user who is trying to enable the role.

See Also:

Creating Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Roles

You can create a Database Vault secure application role in Database Vault Administrator.

  1. From Cloud Control, log into Oracle Database Vault Administrator as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role.

    "Logging into Oracle Database Vault" explains how to log in.

  2. Create a rule set that contains at least one rule to set the conditions for allowing or disallowing the user to enable the role.

    When you create the underlying rule for the rule set, remember that the rule should validate the user who is trying to enable the role. See Chapter 6, "Configuring Rule Sets," for more information about rule sets.

  3. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click Secure Application Roles.

  4. In the Secure Application Role page:

  5. In the Create Role page, enter the following settings under General:

    • Role: Enter the name using no more than 30 characters, with no spaces. Ensure that this name follows the standard Oracle naming conventions for role creation using the CREATE ROLE statement, described in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference. This attribute is mandatory.

    • Status: Select either Enabled or Disabled to enable or disable the secure application role during run time. This attribute is mandatory.

      • Enabled: Enables the role to be available for use. That is, users are allowed to call the DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES.SET_ROLE function to try to enable the role. Note that whether or not the role will be enabled depends on the evaluation result of the associated rule set.

        See "SET_ROLE Procedure" for more information about this function.

      • Disabled: Disables the role from being available for use. The DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES.SET_ROLE function will not be able to enable the role.

  6. In the Create Role page, under Rule Set, from the list, select the rule set that you want to associate with the secure application role. This attribute is mandatory.

    When calling DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES.SET_ROLE, if the rule set evaluates to true, then Oracle Database Vault enables the role for the database session. If the rule set evaluates to false, then the role is not enabled.

    See Chapter 6, "Configuring Rule Sets," for more information about rule sets.

  7. Click OK.

Modifying a Secure Application Role

You can modify an existing secure application role only if it has been created in Oracle Database Vault.

You cannot modify secure application roles or database roles that have been created outside of Oracle Database Vault. If you want to modify an existing Oracle Database role so that it can work with Oracle Database Vault, create a new secure application role in Oracle Database Vault and then grant the existing role to the secure application role. For example, in SQL*Plus:

GRANT myExistingDBrole TO myDVrole;

After you create a new secure application role, you must modify your code to use this new role. You can use DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES.SET_ROLE in your application code to accomplish this.

See Also:

"SET_ROLE Procedure" for more information about the SET_ROLE function

Securing an Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Role

Users who have database administrative privileges may try to use the DROP ROLE SQL statement to delete secure application roles that were created using Oracle Database Vault.

Whenever an Oracle Database Vault secure application role has been created, Database Vault adds the secure application role to the Oracle Database Vault realm. This prevents database administrator from deleting the secure application role using the DROP ROLE statement.

Deleting an Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Role

You can delete Oracle Database Vault secure application roles in Oracle Database Vault Administrator.

  1. If necessary, locate the various references to the secure application roles by querying the role-related Oracle Database Vault views.

    See Chapter 22, "Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views," for more information.

  2. Check and modify any applications that may be using the secure application role that you want to delete.

  3. From Cloud Control, log into Oracle Database Vault Administrator as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role.

    "Logging into Oracle Database Vault" explains how to log in.

  4. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click Secure Application Roles.

  5. In the Secure Application Roles page, select the role that you want to remove.

  6. Click Delete.

  7. In the Confirmation window, click Yes.

How Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Roles Work

The process flow for a secure application role that is managed by Oracle Database Vault begins after you create and set the secure application role.

  1. Create or update the role either in Oracle Database Vault Administrator or by using the secure application role-specific functions in the DBMS_MACADM package.

    See "DBMS_MACADM Secure Application Role Procedures" for more information.

  2. Modify your application to call the role, by using the DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES.SET_ROLE function.

    See "SET_ROLE Procedure" for more information.

  3. Oracle Database Vault then evaluates the rule set associated with the secure application role.

    If the rule set evaluates to true, then Oracle Database Vault enables the role for the current session. If the rule set evaluates to false, the role is not enabled. In either case, Oracle Database Vault processes the associated auditing and custom event handlers for the rule set associated with the secure application role.

Tutorial: Granting Access with Database Vault Secure Application Roles

This tutorial demonstrates how you can create a secure application role that uses a rule set to control a user's access to the OE.ORDERS table during work hours.


About This Tutorial

In this tutorial, you restrict the SELECT SQL statement on the ORDERS table in the OE schema to a specific set of users.

Furthermore, these users can only perform these statements on the OE.ORDERS table from within the office, not from a remote connection. To accomplish this, you create an Oracle Database Vault secure application role that is enabled for the user only if the user passes the checks enforced by the rule set that you associate with the secure application role.

Step 1: Create Users for This Tutorial

First, you must create users for the tutorial.

  1. Log in to SQL*Plus as a user who has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role.

    For example:

    sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr
    Enter password: password
  2. In a multitenant environment, connect to the appropriate pluggable database (PDB).

    For example:

    CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb
    Enter password: password

    To find the available PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command.

  3. Create the following user accounts:


    Replace password with a password that is secure. See Oracle Database Security Guide for the minimum requirements for creating passwords.

Step 2: Enable the OE User Account

The OE schema will be used for this tutorial.

  1. In SQL*Plus, connect as the DV_ACCTMGR user.

    For example:

    CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr -- Or, CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb
    Enter password: password
  2. Check the account status of the OE account.

  3. If the OE account is locked and expired, unlock it and assign it a new password.


Step 3: Create the Rule Set and Its Rules

The rule set and rules will restrict who can modify orders in the OE.ORDERS table.

  1. From Cloud Control, log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY system privilege.

    "Logging into Oracle Database Vault" explains how to log in.

  2. In the Administration page, select Rule Sets.

    The Rule Sets page appears.

  3. Click Create.

    The Create Rule Set page appears.

  4. Enter the following information:

    • Name: Enter Can Modify Orders.

    • Description: Enter Rule set to control who can modify orders in the OE.ORDERS table.

    • Status: Select Enabled.

    • Evaluation Options: Select All True.

  5. Leave the remaining settings and their defaults, and then click Next to go to the Rules Associated with Rule Sets page.

  6. Click Create Rule and in the Create Rule dialog box, enter the following settings:

    • Name: Check IP Address

    • Expression: DVF.F$CLIENT_IP = 'your_IP_address'

    For the Check IP Address rule, replace your_IP_address with the IP address for your computer. In a real-world scenario, you would create an expression that includes all the IP addresses for the users who should be allowed access.

    This rule uses the default factor Client_IP. If this factor has been removed, then you can use the following rule expression instead:

    UPPER(SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','IP_ADDRESS')) = 'your_IP_address'
  7. Click OK.

  8. Click Create Rule again and in the Create Rule dialog box, enter the following settings:

    • Name: Check Session User


    This rule uses the default factor Session_User. If this factor have been removed or modified, you can use the following rule expression instead:

  9. Click OK.

  10. Click Done, then click Finish.

Step 4: Create the Database Vault Secure Application Role

The Database Vault secure application role will be set when the rule set conditions are satisfied.

  1. In Oracle Database Vault, return to the Administration page.

  2. Under Administration, select Secure Application Roles.

    The Secure Application Roles page appears.

  3. Click Create.

    The Create Role page appears.

  4. In the Role box, enter ORDERS_MGMT to name the role.

  5. Under Rule Set, select Can Modify Orders.

  6. Click OK.

At this stage, the Database Vault secure application role and its associated rule set are created, though the role does not yet have any privileges.

Step 5: Grant the SELECT Privilege to the Secure Application Role

The secure application role must be granted the SELECT privilege.

  1. In SQL*Plus, connect as user OE.

    CONNECT OE -- Or, CONNECT OE@hrpdb
    Enter password: password
  2. Grant the SELECT privilege to the ORDERS_MGMT Database Vault Secure application role.


Step 6: Test the Database Vault Secure Application Role

With all the components in place, you are ready to test the Database Vault secure application role.

  1. In SQL*Plus, connect directly to the database as user eabel.

    connect eabel@orcl
    Enter password: password

    Replace orcl with the name of your database instance.

  2. Set the ORDERS_MGMT role.


    Typically, you would embed this call in the application that the user logs in to.

  3. Select from the OE.ORDERS table.


    The following output should appear:


    Because user eabel is logging directly into the database from the correct IP address and is listed as a valid session user, she can select from the OE.ORDERS table. If user ahutton logs in to SQL*Plus in the same manner, she also can select from the OE.ORDERS table.

  4. Reconnect as user eabel without specifying the database instance, and then try to select from the OE.ORDERS table again.

    CONNECT eabel 
    Enter password: password

    The following output should appear:

    Error at line 1: 
    ORA-47305: Rule Set Violation on SET ROLE (Can Modfiy Orders)



    The following output should appear:

    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

    Even though user eabel is a valid user, she has violated the Check IP Address rule in the rule set, so she cannot enable the ORDERS_MGMT role. The only way for the IP address to be recognized is to connect by specifying the database instance, as user eabel did in Step 1. (For an explanation about how this works, see Step 9 in "Step 3: Map the Domain Factor Identities to the Client_IP Factor", in Chapter 8.)

  5. Connect as user ldoran.

    CONNECT ldoran -- Or, CONNECT ldoran@hrpdb
    Enter password: password
  6. Enter the following statements:


    Because user ldoran is not a valid user, she cannot enable the ORDERS_MGMT role. Therefore, she cannot select from the OE.ORDERS table.

Step 7: Remove the Components for This Tutorial

You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them.

  1. From Cloud Control, log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role.

    "Logging into Oracle Database Vault" explains how to log in.

  2. Delete the ORDERS_MGMT secure application role: From the Secure Application Roles page, select the ORDERS_MGMT secure application role, and then click Delete, and then Yes in the Confirmation dialog box.

  3. Select the Rule Sets page, select the Can Modify Orders rule set, and then click Delete.

  4. In the Confirmation dialog box, select Yes to remove the rule set.

  5. Select the Rules page, select the Check IP Address and Check Session User rules, and then select Delete. Select Yes in the Confirmation box.

    Hold the Control key down to select multiple rules.

  6. In SQL*Plus, connect as the Database Vault Account Manager and drop the users.

    For example:

    CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr -- Or, CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb
    Enter password: password
    DROP USER eabel;
    DROP USER ahutton;
    DROP USER ldoran;
  7. If unnecessary, lock and expire the OE user account.


How Secure Application Roles Affect Performance

You can check system performance by running tools such as Oracle Enterprise Manager (including Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, which is installed by default with Oracle Database), Automatic Workload Repository (AWR), and TKPROF.

For more information about Oracle Enterprise Manager, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager documentation set. For information about Cloud Control, refer to its online Help. See Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide to learn how to monitor database performance, and Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide to monitor the performance of individual SQL and PL/SQL statements.

Related Reports and Data Dictionary View

Table 9-1 lists Oracle Database Vault reports that are useful for analyzing Oracle Database Vault secure application roles. See Chapter 24, "Oracle Database Vault Reports," for information about how to run these reports.

Table 9-1 Reports Related to Secure Application Roles

Report Description

"Secure Application Role Audit Report"

Lists audit records generated by the Oracle Database Vault secure application role-enabling operation.

To generate this type of audit record, enable auditing for the rule set associated with the role.

"Secure Application Configuration Issues Report"

Lists secure application roles that have nonexistent database roles, or incomplete or disabled rule sets

"Rule Set Configuration Issues Report"

Lists rule sets that have no rules defined or enabled, which may affect the secure application roles that use them

"Powerful Database Accounts and Roles Reports"

Provides information about powerful database accounts and roles

You can use the DBA_DV_ROLE data dictionary view to find the Oracle Database Vault secure application roles used in privilege management. See "DVSYS.DBA_DV_ROLE View" for more information.